The District Witch Welcomes All Who Enter Here...Blessed Be

A long-haired lady rising from a starlit lake


One minute I was flying smiley - zoom through the sky on my Turbo Dyson 2001...well, I AM a modern witch smiley - witch you know!...and the next... 'THUD' ...I was sitting here!

Oh well, last time I crashed I landed in a field....soft landing though...found a cowpat!

OK, so I guess I ought to introduce myself.

My name is smiley - angel Alison smiley - angel, I am 25 years old, and married to the greatest man in the world, Chris. You can say hello to him if you like, his name on here is lestat3. smiley - vampire

We have been married just over three years, and have no children yet...just practising! smiley - biggrin

We share our home with four mad smiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcat and a gold smiley - fish

Enjoy living, loving and laughing, and discovering all things weird and wonderful.

Gonna go bash out the dents in my Dyson now!

Many bright blessings


XXXXXXsmiley - zoom


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Information please No Posting Oct 16, 2006
this poor word No Posting Jul 25, 2005
Catcher in the Rye No Posting Mar 23, 2004
The Master and Margarita No Posting Jan 24, 2004
[no subject] No Posting Nov 12, 2003


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