Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Many people, myself included, feel a sense of 'coming home' when they start to investigate this area further. By this, I mean that you may read an article about this subject, and just 'feel' that you already 'knew' what you had just read or
learned, and it was just a case of bringing this hidden knowledge to the surface.
Also, the more you learn, the more you will want to find out even more, just because it feels
so right.
Before I found Wicca, I didn't believe in one 'God' that created everything, but just felt there was more to life than
the physical reality...I just didn't know what it was.
I find the concept of worshipping a multi-faceted deity (which includes the worship of both a Goddess and a God) far easier to accept than just a single God.
This is further supported by the
way everything has an opposite e.g. light/dark, good/bad, male/female. You can not appreciate light without dark, or good without bad. This concept is illustrated by Yin Yang.
In summary, I advise anyone who is interested in following this path to find out as much as they
can, and then go by their gut feeling...if it FEELS right, it IS right.