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Wicca is an earth based religion, which is a branch of Paganism.

Paganism is a Pre-Christian religion which recognises both female and male deities.

Witches can be grouped into two basic types...those who practice
as part of a group (or coven) are called Wiccans, and those who work alone are Solitary or Hedgewitches.

Contrary to some peoples beliefs, witches do not worship the Devil. This is a Christian concept and many witches do not even believe in the existance of
the Devil, let alone worship him!

The main 'law' of Witchcraft is the Wiccan Rede, which states 'AN IT HARM NONE, DO WHAT THOU WILL'. This basically means that
a witch should never harm another living being.

This is further emphasized by the 'TRIPLE FOLD RETURN', which states that whatever action you take, whether good or bad, will be returned to you three times the original strength.

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