Journal Entries
Posted Nov 5, 2004
The Children of Artemis have a Witchfest in Croydon at the begining of November, us Pagan Federation types have ours at the end of November.
Anyway the local paper always does a poll to ask whether people think a witch festival should be allowed. Last year I tried to get the COA to put this on their website and they did on the last day, which resulted in us losing the poll. Still I wrote in a letter complaining and it got printed.
This year, as I run the PF website, I could do more. I put the link on the front page and low and behold, we won the poll. I even sent in the same letter and it got printed again!
So us Pagans can help each other, and I intend to do the same every year that the paper runs this poll. I know they only do it to stir up dissent, but still i shall always support it and make sure we win it!
I am sure that if the poll was directed at the PF, then the COA would help us, in the same way that we help them now that the poll is directed at them.
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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2004
An update on life
Posted Nov 5, 2004
The Isle of Man was great. We walked by freshwater, the sea and in the woods, so all habitats covered.
We went to a wildlife park where I bonded with a Magpie Goose, it nibbled my hands and tried to remove my ring! It let me stroke it lots and then followed me to the gate! It was a lovely creature, I want to go back now.
That night was Samhain, we were debating whether to go out for midnight, when a huge spider crawled over my bed. I havn't seen a lovely big house spider like that for years. It sat on my hand, I popped it outside knowing it would come straight back in! That was the answer, of course we were going outside. Very dark and peaceful, but we saw no stars the entire trip.
Visited dads (in laws) grave for the first time, felt very detached from it.
Also went to a fantastic grave yard with grave stones from the Viking ties. I took so many photos of celtic crosses covered with lichen. Its the basis of my next photo exhibition.
Talking of photo exhibitions, put a small one up last night of fungi, in the same book shop.
We also had our night in London. We were in a 5 star hotel and we were upgraded, to a jacuzzi which didn't work and the biggest bed I have ever seen. A pleasent afternoon, shopping in Piccadilly, and drinking in the Japanese tea shop. Then off to see Zohar, turned out it was a private gig which was nice. Had a quick word with the lead chap (brother of Ali G) about playing at the next Pagan Federation Convention and he was interested. Got to email him and he will give me his number.
Tried a Momo special (Momo is the restaurant/bar/club owner, also owns Sketch). £10 each, lots of alcohol and mint leaves. A fun night then off to see some PF friends about a project plan.
Got a cold now, can't shower as its leaking into downstairs flat, oh well!
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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2004
Nasty stuff but please do what you can anyway.
Posted Oct 27, 2004
I posted this on ask, but I know a lot of you won't see it there, so please sign teh petition and pass this on. I would actually advise people not to look at the photographs.
There's an artist, Nathalia Edenmont, who kills cats, mice, doves, rabbits, and other animals, mutilates their bodies, and then takes their photographs. She's on exhibition, among other places, at the Wetterling Gallery in Sweden. She has taken the top halves of five white mice and made them into finger puppets. She beat a cat to death with a stick. And this is called art. This is not only inhumane, but morally reprehensible.
Link to samples of the exhibit (warning! offensive content):
The Wetterling Gallery's Justification of her work:
*****Link to the petition against her:
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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2004
New advice
Posted Oct 24, 2004
I have spent my life believing that coming to terms with past abuse is a good thing, and that being honest about what you experienced is god. I believed that by telling people I had experienced incest, then others who had experienced it, would see that I had survived and have someone to help them through it.
I now realise that is only works in a supportive environment, not on h2g2. If there is anyone out there you is trying to deal with abuse, please don't say anything about it.
If you do you may get someone hijacking the conversation, and making fun of you, for the abuse you suffered.
This is serious stuff. Its been over 15 years since I got out of my abusive situation, but after being attacked today, I am shaking, crying and scared.
Do not come out here, people will use it against you and this can really hurt. If you are only recently out of your abusive situation or even still in it, then people picking on you and laughing at you can push you over the edge.
People who pick on you for having an abusive childhood, are on the side of the abuser, not your side. Do not let them ruin your lives further, walk away and stay away from them.
Good luck, getting better is hard enough, without this as well.
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Latest reply: Oct 24, 2004
Very similar logos
Posted Oct 22, 2004
The 'who do you think you are' logo
and the tree from 6 Feet Under
which is here (hopefully at the bottom)
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Latest reply: Oct 22, 2004
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