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Wisdom teeth

I've just had a wisdom tooth out, with local anaesthetic, if anyone wants any advice, I have got plenty! I certainly won't be having a local on my next one!

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Latest reply: Aug 9, 2001


I recently ran a Spiritual Health and Healing shop, I really felt that I was helping to make the world into a better place! Anyway it failed due to not making enough money. I miss it a lot, but I don't miss the violence!
A lot of people think that 'New Age' therapies are pointless. Some people think that to believe in one theapy means you believe in all of them.
I think that this is untrue, espcially in my experience. For instance I have seen two homoeopaths, nothing they did worked for me. Except for one remedy, which was great for my asthma. But she won't let me have that remedy anymore!
Thing is, I learnt a lot about health and healing, but more interesting I learnt a lot about people! The things people asked for, some of my customers wanted me to make all of their decisions for them, they didn't want to take responsibility for their own lives.
Yet when the shop closed, and I wanted to stay in contact with some of my customers, most of them didn't want to know me anymore! So if you are in a shop, they will ask you to run their life, but as soon as you have lost your shop, they don't need or want you around anymore!
Does this mean that you can get away with anything, just cause you have that shop front?

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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2001

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