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Freezing my hands off - 040703

Which is the U S A Independence Day.
It's freezing here! smiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - titsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrsmiley - brrThe blue tit is a metaphor.
Today was my last day of being an ESW for David... I shall miss some people at that pre-school very much. It's the end of term, and I shall have a different child next term - I eagerly await meeting him/her and getting to know her and her family.
The following is a quote from a newsletter I am subscribed to:
"Pope John Paul II called the war for the alleged WMD and the theory of
preventive war is a "war of aggression." It is a "crime against peace." It is a
"crime against humanity." (February 23 and 25 2003, see it on:
The Good Lord will never bless these crimes."

This is by Father Labib Kobti, of Al Bushra, and is my opinion exactly!

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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2003

Frustration - 040603

Journal entry (if I get a chance)
Frustration and sunshine – 040603
Today, there is smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsine and that is yay, wonderful!
I am very frustrated, - h2g2 has been crashing all over the place, and as I don't get no access-faction these days, it's pretty annoying, that when I do get time online, I can't come to my favourite place.
I am reading a wonderful book 'War Plan Iraq - ten reasons against war' - if only *more* and more influential, people had read it back in Marchsmiley - peacedove
The best fiction book *ever* is Lord of the Rings. The films are good, their soundtracks are marvellous, the book is awesome!
smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
It crashed when I tried to post the above - trying again!smiley - grr

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2003

Aftermath - 17th April 2003


Now that the war is at an end
(It is, or so they said)
It’s time to rebuild, and remake
The country, for the peoples’ sake
A land that’s on the mend

Democracy’s the thing, you see
Defence is an asset too
We want to make the world so safe
To rule it as we go, apace
We’ll force them to be free!

It ought to be improved to the spiritual end of the peoples to encourage fortitude under temporary privation.
(Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre.)

Just some thoughts on the Late Unpleasantness, and the probable smiley - ufo consequences. smiley - aliensmilesmiley - martiansmilesmiley - aliensmilesmiley - peacedove

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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2003

Feeling quite sick - 030403

I have just heard that Iraqis are being given food rations the same colour as the Cluster bomblets - *just* as in Afghanistan! Then, both were blue - now both are yellow. What's *that* about?smiley - grr
I also heard a promo for the news on the station I am listening to - and here's what made me feel ill... An American voice was saying, no doubt regarding the current Unpleasantness: "this is the final solution". Granted that's out of context, but has the man no sense of history or irony?smiley - aliensmile
That's why I am feeling quite sick.
It is sunny, and I will *finally* start work as an ESW on 28th April. Yay!!!!! I am going to finally be of some use, not just an ornament.And it is sunny!smiley - starsmiley - planet

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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2003

Mad about the Boy 190303

Do y'all remember the book in which Ford expresses his annoyance with Arthur by going around repeating the first note of Noel Coward's 'Mad About the Boy'? That's how I feel right now...
That's not personal, BTW - I think we all know that, and we all know what's happening right now. smiley - peacedove
I'd like to say something (several somethings) that have all been said before, better than I can do.
Jesus and the Early Christians
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called the children of God."

"But I tell you: love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
bless those cursing you, pray ,for those abusing you,
so that you may become sons of your Father in heaven."

"Shall it be held lawful to make an occupation of the sword,
when the Lord proclaimed that he who takes the sword
shall also perish by the sword?"

"For we no longer take up 'sword against nation'
nor do we 'learn war any more,'
having become children of peace,
for the sake of Jesus, who is our leader."

Yes, indeed! That's the attitude I feel that Christians should be taking right now - especially the last, from Origen. Or do we all want to have to go round again?
It's a nice sunny day. Yeah.

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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2003

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