This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

peace offering of sorts...

Post 61


Well, Hoo, he's the same age as Apparition/Wraith/'blicky', lives in the same place, knows the same people and has the same hobbies (Star Trek, h2g2) and obsessions (blicky, Americans). He also uses the same vocabulary and writes in the same manner, using many of the same expressions as Apparition/Wraith/'blicky' (I'm missing one of the aliases because I can't make the symbols with my keyboard).

So far the only person he seems to be stalking is blicky.


peace offering of sorts...

Post 62


Yes, az, thank you, I'm aware of the similarities. However, I'm still interested in the answer, if any, to the question, so I'll repeat it:

Bain: a quick question, which I fully expect you to ignore or make some stupid non-sequitur in response.

Who are you, and what is your connection with Adele/Della/Debbie/Adelaide/Annie and Apparition/Wraith/Rtmc/Blickyimpersonator? Your original handle here was "Don't Mind Me", and you feigned impartiality (badly) in what you called a "war". You persist in claiming you are not Apparition/Wraith/Rtmc/fakeBlicky, yet your every post shows you to be at the very least so similar as to be near indistinguishable.

So... are you a friend of Della/Adele/Adelaide/Debbie/Annie's family?

Another one of her sons, perhaps? I'm just curious, since you're SO adamant you're not App/Wraith/Rtmc/fakeBlick, what your explanation is for your apparent obsessions here: namely Adele/Della/Debbie/Annie/Adelaide. One might almost think you're stalking her, given how regularly you turn up to agree with or defend her.

Any explanations? Or just puerile evasion?


peace offering of sorts...

Post 63

badger party tony party green party


Well here is a possible answer, apparently The Wraith was in need of a challenge.smiley - erm To run away from presumably.smiley - laugh

Now careful how you go with Bainsmiley - jester You dont wont to kill the smiley - clown that lays the golden posts so to speak.

Having said that go hog wild if you want The Wraiths falling on his sword speech is still probably the funniest thing this side of 2Legs' journal.

one love smiley - rainbow

"If you tease them they will come"

peace offering of sorts...

Post 64

badger party tony party green party


peace offering of sorts...

Post 65

Researcher 724267

pounce smiley - yawn

hmmm glad *I* have a life to go to...

peace offering of sorts...

Post 66


Ah. I see you've gone for puerile evasion and the ever-reliable non-sequitur.

If you *have* a life, why are you posting here at all?


peace offering of sorts...

Post 67

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

How amazing Bain did not answer the question.

Hoo> Permission to replicate your post whenever and wherever Bain posts until he answers it, please.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 68

badger party tony party green party


Maybe you should be asking him this Otto has a good question in post 4 but Bain cant seem to think.........of an answer so far.

smiley - rainbow

peace offering of sorts...

Post 69

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Not like Bain to ignore postings he has no answer for, oddly reminiscant of another researcher from NZ who used to hang around here smiley - laugh

peace offering of sorts...

Post 70


FB: if you can be bothered - permission granted. (not that you needed it...)


peace offering of sorts...

Post 71

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - ta

peace offering of sorts...

Post 72

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

This dot is an example of the kind of thing Bain has been talking about! Did it occur to any of you, that maybe he just has been elsewhere? In the meantime, don't you have anyone else to torment? This is looking like a nasty playground full of bullying boys.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 73

Researcher 724267

"Maybe you should be asking him this Otto has a good question in post 4 but Bain cant seem to think.........of an answer so far."

Answer a badger? smiley - laugh no really, what's the point?

So ralph is going to commit flaming under the house rules...


Post 74


This post has been removed.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 75

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well Bain why are you so worried about answering this question.

And BTW seeing as you are so particular about spelling and grammar it is Ralph, smiley - ta.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 76

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Also Bain that would be spamming not flamng anyhow...

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