This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

peace offering of sorts...

Post 21

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Yes, we did. In troubleshooting systems, whether it's a car, a server, or a human, you learn to look for the element which is common to all the symptoms. Let's apply that logic here and see if we can spot the common element. The symptoms are:

Huge argument between Della and blicky
Huge argument between Mugwump and Della
Huge argument between Della and azahar
Huge argument between kea and Della
And some apparent bad blood between Hoo and Della

The rest of us can all see the pattern there. But rather than see the blindingly obvious, you choose to see a conspiracy. That's understandable. The human brain has invented all sorts of tactics to protect itself from an awful truth. Enjoy your delusion. smiley - biggrin

If only we could turn back the clock to the halcyon days when people quietly tolerated or ignored Della's abuse... smiley - biggrin

peace offering of sorts...

Post 22

badger party tony party green party

No dont talk like that, you cant turn back the clock and break up up the conspiracy.smiley - grovel

We spent so much time choosing the right people.

I wrote a song for us, Ferrett has worked out a dance sequence and az has nearly finished making the uniforms.

smiley - rainbow

peace offering of sorts...

Post 23


Oh fer heaven'sake blicky - sometimes you go too far! smiley - biggrin


peace offering of sorts...

Post 24

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - rofl

peace offering of sorts...

Post 25

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


As you insist on the Della name, what the hey, I'll play along. Sigh...

Della gives back what she gets. Abuse for abuse... If Della gets on with 90% of people on h2g2, where does that leave the 6 or 7 (or 4) others who gotta keep all the aggro going?
Hoo/Member/Number/Bill, your multiplicity is an open secret. My theory..
H/M/N/B and/or possible others, is an insecure man of (probably 50+), with some knowledge of science, resident in at different times, the UK, the USA and possibly the Antipodes. He has a hate-on against religion, socialism (as he understands it to be) has issues with women (and a surprising following among one or two of them (!) and a very aggressive personal style.
(Short man's syndrome?) Uses a whole slew of Americanisms, but probably not an American, hence the theory about the Antipodes.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 26



Wrong again, Della. Neither 50+ nor short:


Um, not according to either Hoo or people on hootoo who know him personally. Born and raised in the UK apparently.


That's a pretty big 'if', Della. Got any statistical proof? smiley - winkeye


peace offering of sorts...

Post 27

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

It's hard to tell from a photo, but he looks 50ish to me! Not to mention untall... smiley - laugh
It's not about (mainly) what he looks like, but what his personality(ies) are like.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 28


That's what 50+ looks like to you, Della? It would be interesting to see your photo since you are 50+ and see how close to 35 *you* look.


peace offering of sorts...

Post 29

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


peace offering of sorts...

Post 30


smiley - laugh Excellent. I don't think I've seen such concentrated wrongness in one place before, even from you Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie.

In order:

"H/M/N/B and/or possible others"

Right: my usernames here have been:
Hoovooloo, later shortened to Hoo.
Violent Duplicity, later Frumious Bandersnatch.
Brainless Brunette Bloke

Of those, only the first has ever had anything to do with you as far as I can remember. If you're going to accuse me of covertly operating multiple accounts - of which charge I am, like you, guilty - at least get the names right.

I know who you mean when you refer to "Member", I have *NO* idea who "Number" or "Bill" are supposed to be.

"is an insecure man of (probably 50+)"

I'm 35.

"with some knowledge of science"

Try a degree in engineering.

"resident in at different times, the UK, the USA and possibly the Antipodes"

Resident my entire life in the UK and have never in my life travelled outside Europe.

"He has a hate-on against religion"

I do not hate religion. I find it pathetic and sad, like grownups who think soap opera characters are real people. Hate is simply wrong.

"socialism (as he understands it to be)"

I vote Labour and always have, although I'm seriously thinking of changing that because they're no longer socialist enough.

"has issues with women"

No. Has issues with idiots. Was Justin the Preacher or Josh the Genius a woman?

"(and a surprising following among one or two of them (!)"

smiley - biggrin

"and a very aggressive personal style."

Wow. She got something right. Exception that proves the rule!

"(Short man's syndrome?)"

I'm a whisker over six feet in my socks, so unless NZ is a land of giants, I'm taller than average.

"Uses a whole slew of Americanisms"

I object to that.

"but probably not an American, hence the theory about the Antipodes"

Hilarious. Every time you open your mouth, Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie, bullshit dribbles out. You seemingly can't help yourself.



peace offering of sorts...

Post 31

badger party tony party green party

I think that you're being a little unfair Hoo.

Sometimes Adelaide can be very, very close to the mark, but still not make that final mental leap.

The problem is, that I don't really see that there *is* another side to it... at least, one that isn't founded on false assumptions and thereby 'disinformation.'

One day maybe.

smiley - rainbow

peace offering of sorts...

Post 32

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - wow

Vintage Della!

peace offering of sorts...

Post 33

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Well, you'll just have to wonder. Imagine - black hair, green eyes, 155 cm. Take it from there.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 34

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

And your point is, Blinky? Why bring that Guide entry into it? Maybe if you understood what the issue is all about... but it appears you don't.

peace offering of sorts...

Post 35


"black hair, green eyes, 155 cm. Take it from there."

OK. And remember - you asked for this:

105 kg. BO. Tattoo of a rose on upper left arm. Cake crumbs in evidence in the wrinkles around the lips. Large thighs.

Any other suggestions?


peace offering of sorts...

Post 36

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Tee hee.... Not even close. smiley - biggrin

peace offering of sorts...

Post 37


Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie: would you mind explaining who "Number" and "Bill" are/were? I'm honestly interested and have no idea.

And do you *really* weigh more than 105kg? I can't believe I wasn't even *close*...


peace offering of sorts...

Post 38


Hoo, I think for about a day and a half Member changed his nickname (using the same PS so it wasn't a 'new identity') to Just Another Number. And then he changed it back again to Member.

But I have no idea where 'Bill' comes from - that's a new one on me.

To be fair, Della has only had one other hootoo 'identity' - Adele. Unless Flora Light was also her. Otherwise she has just been changing her nickname a lot. You seem to have missed her brief stint as Annie Laurie (or something like that) before she settled on Adelaide. All because Member had started calling her Death Threat Della.

But if she had truly wanted to get away from being called either Della or Adele I doubt she would have chosen a new name where a short form could easily be made, using either 'Adel'-aide or A-'Del(la)'-aide. As I told her elsewhere, most people call me az rather than azahar. And I have no objections to this. I think it was toxxin who first started calling me az. So she will always be Della to me. Though I still don't know why she calls herself a 'cat woman' when she doesn't have any cats and (correct me if I'm wrong, Della) hasn't had any in years.

*I* am actually a 'cat woman' having lived with my three mogs for about twelve years now. I've also got a fotki cat photo album that I've posted a link to on my PS and back in February started the Lua thread when I discovered my old lady cat has breast cancer. It's a lovely thread, lots of other cat people (and even those without cats) have been very loving and supportive and helping me through this crisis.

I think Della should send a photo into the gallery, if only to prove that she isn't 105 kilos. smiley - winkeye (teasing, Della, I'd quite like to see your photo in the gallery - and not for silly reasons but because you are such a big part of my hootoo experience).


peace offering of sorts...

Post 39

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I am quite happy to be called Weaselraccoon smiley - biggrin!

peace offering of sorts...

Post 40

badger party tony party green party

Adelaide I would love to tell you my point really I would but I'd rather you got someone else who is nuetral (not Bain, really nuetral) to explain it to you.

I really think understanding it might help you.

one love smiley - rainbow

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