This is the Message Centre for elwood

Hej elwood!

Post 761

Shea the Sarcastic

I had a visual of a creature of some kind with a star on it's belly, then I realized it was a Dr. Seuss character, and I was trying to remember his/her name ... then I realized that maybe you just meant Dr. Seuss after all! So did you?

Hej elwood!

Post 762


I did and you just got yourself a handy-dandy, Star-bellied Sneetch QuoteQuiz point!!!

smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 763

Shea the Sarcastic

WOOHOO! smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 764


Well done.

*waits for next question*

Hej elwood!

Post 765


It's up and ready to go! Have at it!smiley - smiley

Hej elwood!

Post 766

T J: Mr. Shea

Anna Christie! smiley - smiley

(I cannot tell a lie; I had to cheat to get that one. smiley - blush I don't even know who Anna Christie is. smiley - erm )

Hej elwood!

Post 767

Shea the Sarcastic

Oh for shame! smiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 768


Cheaters never prosper!
I want the actress playing that part.
For the point!

Hej elwood!

Post 769


Vell, I haff no idea (though it sounds vaguely familiar).

Hej elwood!

Post 770


Greta Lovisa Gustafsson (also known as Garbo)

(I cheated! smiley - tongueout)

Hej elwood!

Post 771


Oh, Ottox!

This one was in here so you wouldn't have to cheat.

I thought Swedish actresses were required study in Scandenavia.smiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 772


Sorry! smiley - winkeye

By the way, I saw Willie Nelson on TV Sunday night. I believe that quite a few people all over the world did. smiley - tongueout

Hej elwood!

Post 773

T J: Mr. Shea

So I don't get the point then??? smiley - sadface

Hej elwood!

Post 774


You could have one of our mostly useless bonus points
for getting the character she was playing!smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 775


I believe number 105 is by one George W****r Bush.

Hej elwood!

Post 776


Oh so close but I'm afraid not!

There is an even more second banana in this scenario!

Hej elwood!

Post 777


I believe it's second banana Quayle.

But it's interesting to do a search for the quote. Several pages says it *is* Bush. smiley - bigeyes

Hej elwood!

Post 778


Of course we only care about the sources our staff of writers use!

(Hey Bennie I thought thought your Uncle Harv said that was Quayle)smiley - cross

Uh...very good Ottox! Enjoy the point!smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 779

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Uh.. so I take it his grasp of astronomy leaves something to be desired?

Hej elwood!

Post 780


Aye, along with his grasp of everything else.

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