This is the Message Centre for Phreako
Phreako Posted Aug 11, 2001
I know, I saw your button
I was thinking of making a button maze but just haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe I'll do it tonight
Phreako Posted Aug 14, 2001
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
*pushes the very wet looking bluish wavy like button*
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 15, 2001
*hands Phreako a sandy-coloured button* this one brings out the desert sun for a brief period
Phreako Posted Aug 15, 2001
*Phreako pushes the sandy colored button and is instantly dried off by the hot desert sun*
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 15, 2001
*hands over fluffy white button.* and this one makes the sun go back, behind clouds. double-press(like double-click) it to make it rain.
Phreako Posted Aug 15, 2001
*pushes the fluffy white button once to make the sun go behind the clouds*
*double pushes the fluffy white button to make it rain*
*pushes the sandy colored button to make the desert sun come out and dry everything off*
*pushes the fluffy white button once to make the sun go behind the clouds*
*double pushes the fluffy white button to make it rain*
*pushes the sandy colored button to make the desert sun come out and dry everything off*
*pushes the fluffy white button once to make the sun go behind the clouds*
*double pushes the fluffy white button to make it rain*
*pushes the sandy colored button to make the desert sun come out and dry everything off*
*pushes the fluffy white button once to make the sun go behind the clouds*
*double pushes the fluffy white button to make it rain*
*pushes the sandy colored button to make the desert sun come out and dry everything off*
*pushes the fluffy white button once to make the sun go behind the clouds*
*double pushes the fluffy white button to make it rain*
*pushes the sandy colored button to make the desert sun come out and dry everything off*
*continues to alternate between pushing the fluffy white button once, pushing the fluffy white button twice, and pushing hte sandy colored button therefore alternating the three different wheather patters at a very rapid rate*
shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun shade rain sun
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 15, 2001
*holds another button(snowflake shaped) behind back, looking worried* i don't think i should give her this one to make it snow, do you?
Phreako Posted Aug 15, 2001
I love snow
*grabs the snowflake shaped button from Minesweep and runs around the room pushing it repeatedly while singing "Let it Snow" really loud*
Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459 Posted Aug 16, 2001
*hands Phreako a brown furry button with ears*
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 16, 2001
does that one bring the Vorpal Bunny?
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 17, 2001
just to point out something, the Vorpal Bunny was first seen in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and it had the peculiar trait of attacking the knights and biting their throats out. i have a very vivid and hilarious image of a RABBIT, a cute, furry little animal, lunging at grown men's throats with blood all over its mouth. so you'd better hope it's just a regular .
Phreako Posted Aug 17, 2001
your right, I didn't think of that
*unpushes the Vorpal Bunny button 100 times making all 100 of the Vorpal Bunnys dissappear*
They seemed so cute too
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 17, 2001
well, they *could* be regular bunnies...
Phreako Posted Aug 17, 2001
Just to be safe, I don't think I will bring them back because I don't wish to wait until they bite my throat out to find out what type of they are.
Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly Posted Aug 17, 2001
i wonder where they all go.....?
Key: Complain about this post
- 221: Phreako (Aug 11, 2001)
- 222: Eternity (Ace) (Aug 14, 2001)
- 223: Phreako (Aug 14, 2001)
- 224: Eternity (Ace) (Aug 15, 2001)
- 225: Phreako (Aug 15, 2001)
- 226: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 15, 2001)
- 227: Phreako (Aug 15, 2001)
- 228: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 15, 2001)
- 229: Phreako (Aug 15, 2001)
- 230: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 15, 2001)
- 231: Phreako (Aug 15, 2001)
- 232: Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459 (Aug 16, 2001)
- 233: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 16, 2001)
- 234: Phreako (Aug 16, 2001)
- 235: Phreako (Aug 16, 2001)
- 236: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 17, 2001)
- 237: Phreako (Aug 17, 2001)
- 238: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 17, 2001)
- 239: Phreako (Aug 17, 2001)
- 240: Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly (Aug 17, 2001)
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