Journal Entries

Local travels, part 5

What about part 3 and 4? Well, they were quite uneventful. Part 3 was a shortened re-run of part 2, to the same amusement park. Part 4 was my cousin's wedding at Mäntyharju. Lots of lake there which would be nice without the smiley - bleepin' mosquitos and other biting insects.

And part 5.. Well, a trip to the lake district in Punkaharju and got bitten by those evil insects. A bit of thunder but no rain. A lot of family, friends and neighbours.

I miss you, Grandma. I hope you're in a better place now. May you rest in peace.

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2003

Local travels, part 2

Greetings from sunny Tampere. The meet was a relative success, there were about ten of us (which is quite good, if you consider there are approx. 20 or so active members - told you it wasn't anything as fancy as this smiley - smiley. We spent the day riding the rides till the point I felt my "nausea rating" getting at critical levels. (As for this nausea rating, any Rollercoaster Tycoon player knows this; it's the rating that after certain level, nausea turns into.. umm.. something concrete). I'm quite proud of myself; I don't quite like going upside down but I went to this one nasty-looking rollercoaster anyway for the first time ever and actually liked it. smiley - smiley Favourite ride is still the rollercoaster called Tornado.

One thing I forgot from yesterday's Oulu trip thingie. It was quite amusing, really. When we were going to Oulu, the train stopped at Tampere. I looked outside the window. At the railway station was standing the love in my heart, the light in my eyes, the man of my life: my 5-year old nephew. He was going to the same amusement park with his father. He was in the same train. When we got home the next day, when I step out from the train, I see them standing at the railway station. Again, they were on the same train. Quite an coincidence, me thinks smiley - smiley.

Why did this come to mind? Well, today in Tampere we got up to the view tower Näsinneula (which means Needle of the Lake Näsi), the ten-or-so of us got some coffee or whatever and sat down. I look around (okay, so I'm very nosy about what happens around me) and at the next table is sitting my cousin who I haven't seen in ages. I bumped into her a few times during the day.

Tomorrow mostly I'll be staying at home, next trip won't be until Tuesday when it's again Tampere with a friend.

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2003

Local travels, part 1

Greetings from sunny Oulu! One of the few perks of the civil service thingamajig is 33 free trips on trains and long distance busses. On Friday a friend and I spent six hours on a train and climbed off on Oulu railway station. Lovely town. Really. Well, okay, I'm biased. *He* was from there (he doesn't live there anymore). The only trouble spot was when I recognized the place where we first walked hand in hand by the river.. Oh well. Trying to put that behind me where it belongs. Today I'm heading to Tampere, to the second biggest amusement park in Finland. There's a meet of one local website. Nothing as fancy as h2g2 though, but one has to do what one has, right?

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2003

Nothing but a dream

Last night I had another dream about him. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling nice, comfortable, warm inside. Realized it was a dream, felt alone and sad.

It's been nine years, for crying out loud! I want him out of my system.

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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2003


Yesterday was the birthday of my home town which is also my employer. There's a traditional free pop concert at this one park. It had been quite a while since I last was there so I decided to go (and partly because the department I currently serve is one of the organizers). There were some of the brightest stars of Finnish pop music. And a surprise. A big surprise. I literally gasped for air when they announced him. Well, so did the other 45000 people there. What a man, that Ricky Martin.

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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2003

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