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Finnish science fiction

About seven years ago, a group of guys finished the fifth part in their home-made parody series. They thought about what to do next, and decided to make a fifteen-minute special-effect clip. Now, more than six years in production, their work is done. The fifteen minute clip grew into a full feature film.

The movie makes fun of both Star Trek and Babylon 5 and the effects are quite amazing, even if you forget the fact that these guys aren't professionals and everything is done with home equipment (I promise you won't notice). The dvd is out and the Internet release will be October 1st. The movie is in Finnish with English subtitles. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to provide a link but Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning. Google it up.

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Latest reply: Sep 12, 2005

My Plan

Maybe not a Good Plan, most definitely not a Master Plan, probably not even a Sane Plan, but it's My Plan nonetheless.

About three weeks ago I went to Alanya, Turkey with my sister (and niece and nephew) for a week (well, she was there for five weeks). At the restaurant where my sister's brand new husband works, also worked this guy. Something happened. Due to the fact that he only speaks Turkish, I'm not sure what. I just know that he always had a very warm smile and smiley - winkeye for me. On my last day I asked if I could take a photo of him and my sister (who speaks a bit Turkish) told him that I was leaving the next morning. My sister went with her husband shopping while I stayed at the restaurant with the kids. He came to me and desperately wanted to let me know something. I got the words "me","English" and "Finland". I assumed that he was planning to learn English and come to Finland. A bit later when sister dearest came back, he said that he was coming to Finland and apparently asked if I would wait for him. Well, duh! He seemed nice enough (and trying to not sound shallow, he's kinda pretty smiley - blush) so I said yes. The down side though.. This sort of thing just doesn't happen to me. Ever. Back home I realized neither of us left any means of contact for each other. I asked my sister and she promised to ask him if he wanted my phone number, but apparently she didn't. On her last day there I asked her to say greetings from me to him but she told me that he had lost his job there the previous day. So I needed a Plan.

Phase One. I still have two weeks worth of paid vacation days left, and I have a payday at the end of the week, so I'm going to book a two week trip to Alanya in the spring.

Phase Two. Next month I'm going to start to learn Turkish. I've got the book, the registration for the course is next week and the lessons start next month. It's just once a week, but on the other hand, it doesn't cost that much.

Phase Three. I'll go there looking for him. Then I'll hopefully have some basic way of communicating with him with the aid of dictionaries, if I ever find him that is.

So, that's My Plan. Seeing this in writing it looks a bit desperate but that's just the way I am. I'll do whatever I can to find out if there's a chance.

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Latest reply: Aug 9, 2005


My deepest and sincerest sympathies to all Londoners, especially to those injured or died and their families. I don't understand, do not comprehend how some people can be so cruel. smiley - cross

A friend of mine is Interrailing across Europe. Nina, I hope you and your bloke are not in London now.. smiley - hug

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Latest reply: Jul 7, 2005

Single parent with two kids

My sisters always have the best ideas. Critisism never goes well to anyone so I've learned to keep my mouth shut about it. I'm just hoping someday they'll learn. Anyway.

My dear sister decided to go to Turkey for three weeks. She left two weeks ago. Fine, innit? Travelling is quite fun. Well, she has two kids and persuaded a friend of hers (probably an ex-friend now) to sit the children. A week ago my nephew (six years old) had appendicitis, was rushed to a hospital and had an appendicectomy. (This is one of the parts I don't get. If it were my son I would've done anything to get back home but that's just me). This week the sitter decided that she's had enough and called the social services (though in my opinion she should've called my sister first but again, that's just me). Well, the professional opinion was that the kids either stay with a family member or the social services get involved. Grandma is not an option, she's not at home for a week either.

So, like I really had any choice in the matter, for the next week I'll be the single dad with two kids. Well, the single uncle with two kids. A bit scary really, so far my sitting duties have been for a few hours at a time. I'm confident that I can do this, though.

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2004

Straight people don't tell, do they?

"When Lisa during a coffee break at work tells her co-workers that she went to the movies with her husband last weekend, few think that she is talking about her heterosexuality - she is talking about her weekend. But when her colleague Larry mentions that he went to the movies with his husband last weekend, not all hear him only speak about his weekend, many think that he is also talking about his homosexuality." - Straight people don't tell, do they? -leaflet by Project Sexual and Gender Minorities at Work.

Funded by the European Social Fund and the Finnish Ministry of Labour, governed by the Department of Sociolofy at the University of Helsinki, the project has completed the first systematic large-scale analysis about the sexual and gender minorities at work in Finland. More about that when I've read it through. More information about the project at

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Latest reply: May 12, 2004

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