Journal Entries


Congratulations to Turkey! smiley - bubbly

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Latest reply: May 24, 2003

It's begun :(

smiley - peacesign
smiley - peacedove

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2003

So hard

Yesterday was supposed to be a good day. After work we went with a colleague for a couple of ciders, after that we went to her flat for a bit of Playstationing. My favourite game show started and we started watching the Weakest Link. One of the contestors was an ex of mine, as handsome and clever as ever. He made it to the final round. In fact, no one voted for him to leave during the whole show. Not even one vote! He didn't win, though, poor chap.

I really miss him. Why is it so hard to get over some people? smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2002

Oh my!

Just another day at the office.. well, that's what I thought this morning anyway. Some people need a bit of polishing at their computer skills. That's what my office does. Today there's not just one, but two classrooms filled with firemen - in their uniforms. There are days when I just love my job. smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Nov 22, 2002


Today I felt like celebrating and pampered myself a bit. For the first time in months I went and had a big hamburger - something I've forbidden myself. Why? Because I'm going through a change of appearance. I've lost two and a half stones of weight. I got me some smaller-sized clothes. I've coloured me hair. Today I got me contact lenses. I've changed my looks so much that even my mom doesn't recognise me anymore (she almost walked past me the other day). Kind of fun, really. smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Aug 19, 2002

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