Journal Entries


I'm back home from Turkey (actually I've been home for a week now). Now I'm comfortably sitting at home with PHDS (post-holiday depression syndrome). I miss my friends there.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect, warm and sunny every day but one. My Turkish still sucks but I was quite happy to find out I understand it a bit better. I even had a decent conversation with one person (though she wasn't Turkish herself but it was the only common language). The family-in-laws had quite fun too, as she always mixed up the word hintli (which means people from India) with the word hindi (which in Turkish means turkey, the bird). :D

All in all, it was quite an uneventful trip, pretty much boring in fact. My horrorscope for the week didn't come true. Can I sue?

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Latest reply: Mar 11, 2007

Eurovision Song Contest '07

They started to sell tickets for the best Eurovision Song Contest ever held in Finland (yeah well, also the first ever) today at noon (local time). All the tickets for the final quickly sold out. I managed to secure me a ticket for both the semifinal and the final.

Yay mii! (Sorry, obviously I've been playing a bit too much with my new toy).

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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2006

Birthday Boy

It would seem that I've lost an entry from yesterday, but it's a big deal in my life so I just have to repeat it. Unfortunately my time is a bit scarce these days but here's a quick note anyway.

I've had 48cm and 2605g worth of more nephews since yesterday. Considering that my sister gave birth less than four hours after she checked in the hospital, I'd think everything went smoothly. She got the full 10 points on whatever them points are they're awarding. She didn't win any prizes though. smiley - sadface

smiley - cheers to my darling little sister and especially congratulations to Brother-in-law on your first child. smiley - hug

There's some pictures on my own website if you want to see a tiny person. I'm not keeping them there forever so I'll put the link up on my personal space in a minute.

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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2006

40th time's the charm

The very first Eurovision Song Contest was held in 1956. Finland has taken part on the contest since 1961 every time it could. That's not every year, though. This time was the 40th time we participated. And for the first time in the history of the contest, we won. Hard! Rock! Hallelujah! smiley - bubbly

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Latest reply: May 20, 2006

Almost there

First of all, I want to apologize I haven't been around much lately. I've been lurking about occasionally, though. I haven't completely lost but I've been fairly busy at w*rk and utterly exhausted after (and mostly during, too). Well, a couple of weeks more to last (two weeks, two days, two hours and fifty-five minutes until my trip - not that I'm counting smiley - winkeye).

So I've been also busy studying the language. About three weeks ago my sister moved and one of the helping crew was her Turkish friend. I was eavesdropping to his conversation with my brother-in-law. The only conclusion I came to, was that I'm gonna be *so* scr.. in a lot of trouble. I understood one word out of the whole thing.

Speaking of the brother-in-law. He's convinced that I should go see his family while there. They're a lovely bunch of people but he's in Finland now so I won't have any translation help of any kind. None of them speak any English.

Well, that pretty much goes for the reason I'm going there in the first place. All English I've heard him say is "not a problem". Hmm.. Actually.. *makes devious plans*

My brother-in-law also told me that it might rain there and most of the places might be under repair, since it's not exactly the tourist season just yet. I don't care about that, I just really need one specific restaurant to be open. And him to be there. I had a dream of him last night. The flu I got is making me feel lousy already but this morning I felt miserable. It's been nine months and I don't even know the guy, but I miss him. smiley - blue

Speaking of nine months. My sister just SMS'ed me a couple of hours ago. She's preganant so I'm gonna be an auntie again. smiley - biggrin

Two weeks, two days, two hours and seventeen minutes..

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Latest reply: Feb 16, 2006

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