This is the Message Centre for Old Uncle Zarniwoop
I am puzzled about the lack of response to my posts. Am I really that dull?
Fred, the Incontinent Hamster Started conversation Sep 13, 2002
Hello dear Uncle Zarniwoop,
I have been a member of the community for two years and have had perhaps two posts. I have tried to join with other like minded HIthchikers in my section of the Galaxy. Their group promptly disbanded. Now, what could be the reason? I thought my posts were reasonably amusing. I even had a nice series of conversations with a few members some little while ago.
Could you visit my entries and let me know what I am doing wrong? I can't seem to get anyone to post there. I know that you encourage people do to so...thanks, and I appreciate the help.
Fred the Incontinent Hamster
wondering where everyone is?
I am puzzled about the lack of response to my posts. Am I really that dull?
Old Uncle Zarniwoop Posted Sep 14, 2002
Hi Fred
OUZ (your adopted ACE)
I assure you you have done nothing wrong. Your postings are funny and I did laugh at quite a few of them. When I first posted on H2G2 I didn't get that many messages posted directly on my Personal Space, and I still dont. In fact, it doesnt happed to many people.
However, you can still make lots of friends and meet people. I did this by basically going around looking for places and clubs that interested me. For example, I joined the Football Club. I also found a meeting place that appealed to me called the Lighthouse Bar.
I try to talk to a wide veriaty of people, but as there are so many members of H2G2 now its hard, and some people can get hidden. The best way to get noticed is to get the word out and get invovled.
Its just a matter of going out and making yourself known, but it is not that important to basically count popularity on how many messages on your Personal Space.
Basically, just try and get involved
Try these links - <LINK H2G2="F70774?thread=192585&latest=1">Lighthouse Bar is a sure fire way to meet people. The owner Light, is especially very friendly
A148907 - Ask The H2G2 Community - This section is basically a great place to debate, and debates and questions are always been asked.
I am puzzled about the lack of response to my posts. Am I really that dull?
Old Uncle Zarniwoop Posted Sep 14, 2002
A579684 - The pirate ship (where the Lighthouse Bar is)
There are plenty of options on my PS where you could go. Good luck. Dont hesitate to talk to me at all.
I am puzzled about the lack of response to my posts. Am I really that dull?
Noggin the Nog Posted Sep 15, 2002
Hi Fred. No, you're not dull. (There is in any case, by definition, no such thing as a dull h2g2 researcher. Merely by signing on you become interesting.) You just need to get out and about onsite a bit more. It's in the nature of the place that if you don't write you don't get noticed. Every post you make is an access to your space.
Try subscribing to at least one forum (I'm not a tekkie but I know you can find them by following your nose from the front page) or just access other researchers' spaces to scout for anything that interests you. Don't be intimidated by the fact that other contributors seem to know each other - they had to get acquainted that way, too. Feel free to visit me for and
and a chat any time you're at a loose end.
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I am puzzled about the lack of response to my posts. Am I really that dull?
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