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What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 161

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermThanks for sharing Caer...'specially after the 'pasty' fish explanasmiley - hangover~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run

The 1st time I heard: car park I thought of a wonderful place where cars loll about swingsets, etc.
carpark = parking lot

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 162


I would just like to point out that I don't have manky feet!

I'm not sure if the spelling is different, but the word sounds the same: homely. Here it means comfortable and warm and used in relation to houses. In the US it means plain and applies to women, or a least I haven't heard it used when referring to men.

A plain girl is called a minger (to rhyme with singer) although I tell the sons off when I hear them use it because it sounds very sexist in my opinion and sounds horrid.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 163

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblyGood for you Caer!

I forgot what I was gonna' post...smiley - tongueout

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 164

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...sometimes, I'm such a dingleberry.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 165

Researcher 185550

Minger, and the phrase (like in sports, I suppose), "She mings for England" which is a particularly barbed phrase.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 166


I like manky. smiley - ok I shall attempt to put it into at least four conversations tomorrow.

We have one patron who fairly begs to be called manky.

Actually, I've heard men referred to as homely, but not as often as women. Homely is a step above butt ugly.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 167

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Beauty will fade, but stupid is forever. smiley - tongueout

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 168


Oh and when you're referring to a nice warm home-like atmosphere it's homey.. smiley - erm which could also be short for homeboy if it's spelled homie..

smiley - cdouble

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 169

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You may have to explain homeboy too, Batty.
Most H2G2 researchers have never been
to the big house. smiley - winkeye

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 170

Pandora...Born Again Tart


What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 171


I thought homeboy was like a Mummy's boy?

Presumably not.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 172


Homies or homeboys are terms usually associated with African American males who live in the same neighborhood or belong to the same gang as each other. I suppose it is used by other nationalities as well by now. Young white males are notorious for borrowing black street talk since it is supposedly soooooooooooooo smiley - cool.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 173

Researcher 185550

*Considers whether to post a link to a cartoon, which has links on the page to other, more offensive cartoons*

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 174


*nods rapidly in agreement*

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 175

Researcher 185550

Okay, then. But only look at that one, I say as my disclaimer. There's some really SICK cartoons on that site.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 176

Pandora...Born Again Tart

That was phat! I'm down with that. Thanks for the 411.smiley - kisssmiley - winkeye

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 177

Researcher 185550

smiley - biggrin

Pukka stuff innit? Dya ken anywhere else i can scav some more?

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 178

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*knocks on RK's head...*You been to Scotland or sumthin'?

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 179

Researcher 185550

smiley - bruised Not for a while.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 180


I suppose you've been to Scotland, Pandora. All those kilts to peek under. smiley - winkeye I think a shriek pretty much translates into any dialect.

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