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What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 261

Researcher 185550

I don't drive yet. I irritate drivers, merely by breathing it appears. This would seem to be why they are so keen that i desist.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 262

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


smiley - doh

So *that's* why you chose the name "Roadkill."

smiley - ok

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 263


Sitting outside a bar in Italy watching the parking and unparking is quite entertaining. They squeeze their cars into impossible spaces by bumping the car in front and behind whilst manouvering, enough to create room for their car. We have seen a whole row of a half dozen cars or more nudged up to shoehorn in another car, we assumed that they must park without applying the handbrake or setting the alarm.

When I was driving the Celica, I rarely parallel parked as it has such an appalling turn circle I would be completely exhausted by the effort, one and half turns and the wheels locked! It was less tiring to park further away and walk back.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 264

Researcher 185550

I chose the name Roadkill before I knew what it actually meant. I largely just liked the sound of the word.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 265

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My sister has a vacation home in the White
Mountains (New Hampshire, USA). Just around the
corner from her place, there is a restaurant
that used to be called "Roadkill Cafe." I don't
think they actually served roadkill (I doubt that
many chickens and cows sacrificed their lives by
standing in the road out front), but it was a
decent place to eat. Eventually, it closed and
was taken over by another restaurant. smiley - erm

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 266

Researcher 185550

smiley - biggrin

I think the health and safety people would go mental.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 267

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - laugh

They certainly would!

Of course, a few of them do anyway. smiley - erm

Directly across the river from my sister's
place is another restaurant, one that specializes
in spaghetti. One day, my brother in law was in
the mood for spaghetti, and he didn't feel like
going aorund to the bridge, so he put on his
hip-length wading boots and wades across the
river to the place. smiley - smiley

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 268


Gee Caer we saw that particular mode of parking in the East village during a hootoo meet-up. Remember it, Paulie? Right outside the crack grannies apartment.. smiley - winkeye

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 269

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - laugh

I certainly remember!

The look on that woman's face when she noticed that
we were all watching her wedge that huge van into
that tiny space.

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 270


I was half expecting her to come in and yell at us.. I think maybe the crack grannies had a firearm pointed at her or something to stop her. smiley - winkeye

All kidding aside it was a fun meet-up. PC and I are going to be in NYC in December and I'm half tempted to introduce him to the devil woman.. smiley - erm except that he doesn't drink so he might not appreciate a pub crawl..

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 271

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I didn't drink during that pub crawl, Batty.
I just had ginger ale or Coca Cola at each one.
The bartenders never made any remarks...

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 272


Yeah but you were there to meet up with the rest of us boozers. smiley - erm H'ed only be there to help me stumble back to the hotel afterward..

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 273

Researcher 185550

Pub crawl.... now there's a nice idea.

One thing that always confuses me, seeing things like Cheers and Friends- do they sell pints in the USA?

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 274

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

But no one in our group did anything to be
ashamed of, Batty. Except for one incident
involving Shea's fist and someone's face smiley - tongueout,
but that was staged for the camera. smiley - smiley
No actual harm was done, and afterward we
went to a pizza place. smiley - smiley

Anyway, drunk or not, I *needed* you guys
because I had no idea where I was. I could have
gotten very lost in Manhattan in the dark. smiley - yikes

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 275


It sounds to me as you lot will fit nicely into a London meet up smiley - winkeye

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 276

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'd love to go to one, but I'm already committed
to a Central-European tour scheduled for next
July-August. My pocketbook is being severely drained
by preparations for that. I can't swing a London trip too. smiley - sadface

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 277


I'll have to sneak up on London when it's a little closer. PC has boat loads of frequent flyer miles and hotel points because of his job so cost is literally not an issue. Time however is another story... smiley - erm he also has boat loads of vacation time but I'm the fool who has almost no vacation where I work...

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 278

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

You and PC are as different as yin and yang, Batty. smiley - winkeye
Opposites attract....

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 279


It's the same with H and me, chalk and cheese smiley - smiley

What does THAT mean?...various expressions used by you & or people of your Country

Post 280

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - chef

smiley - smiley

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