This is the Message Centre for Marmite

Any Advice?!

Post 201


He has just told me to write more to you as your his special friend on heresmiley - ok

He was in hospital due to complications with his liver, and while he was in there he picked up one of those super bug thingies which delayed him leaving, but he is a born fighter and nothing knocks him back for long, but boy does he moan, the doctors and nurses took the brunt of this with his lectures about hygiene and dirty hospitals.

But he will soon be back and strutting his stuff again.

How are you and things he wants to know?

Take caresmiley - hug

Any Advice?!

Post 202

Muddling Through

Thank you so much for letting my know what has happened, smiley - hug I was getting really worried as it is not like BK to be so quiet!!! smiley - laugh

Sound like he has got himself into a real messsmiley - yikes, that's a hell of a list!

You can let him know that I am doing OKsmiley - biggrin. After a bit of a 'wobble' smiley - weird earlier in the year I have sorted my head out again (as far as is possible anyway!) and I am the happiest I have been for years. I have been missing our chats though and I am honoured to be thought of as a special friend smiley - hug

I am sending all the love smiley - love and healing thoughts I can muster smiley - cuddle and hope he is back on his feet very soon smiley - kisssmiley - hug

Any Advice?!

Post 203


smiley - cheerup, hi friend, hows things with yousmiley - hug

Any Advice?!

Post 204

Muddling Through

Welcome back smiley - hug, I am absolutely fine but how are you and how is the recovery going? smiley - biggrin

I want to write something interesting, funny or profound but my brain won't function so you will have to make do with mundane and boring instead! Need sleepsmiley - sleepy hate early shift smiley - online2long

Any Advice?!

Post 205


Its getting better, i still have a cast on my wrist, elbow only has a strap now though, slight pain in the ribs, but nothing major.

What time did you start then

Any Advice?!

Post 206

Muddling Through

Better not smiley - hug you too hard then or it will hurt!

Started at 6.30 am, left home at 6.10am to cycle (what?!) here. Last time I looked at the clock last night (whilst still trying to get to sleep) it was 2.45 am smiley - yikes. Hubby is working late this week and doesn't come to bed until 2am. I am getting grumpy now smiley - grr ... good job there are not many people calling today... I get to go home at 3pm - yay!

How are you getting on sleeping with all your battle wounds? smiley - laugh

Any Advice?!

Post 207


6:30am smiley - yikes thats kinda early isnt it, no point going to bed at all is there.

The sleeping here with me is ok, with the wrist plastered up there is no movement so its good, but the elbow has a funny twinge now and again while turning, and with the ribs its a no no to sleep on my front at the moment, which is to me the most comfy position.

Any Advice?!

Post 208

Muddling Through

It's the other end of the scale today... didn't start until 3pm but I will be here until 11pm.

So how are you doing this week? I would get completely frustrated smiley - steam not being able to sleep on my stomach so you have my sympathy. I think hubby would be pleased smiley - smiley though as I annoy him by sliding down the bed so my feet stick out the bottom of the duvet, I then start trying to turn round and lie across the bed to get my feet back under the duvet as they get cold! I found him on the sofa the other morning because I kept trying to kick him out of bed!smiley - yikes I want the WHOLE king size to ME!

Any Advice?!

Post 209


It is damn annoying, and the wife is such a fidget which doesnt help, even though we have a king size bed, she still manages to nick my spacesmiley - erm, you sound like a nightmare in bed also...ooops that didnt sound too good didntsmiley - blush

Any Advice?!

Post 210

Muddling Through

I think I will re-phrase that as "a nightmare when asleep" smiley - zzz I get acused of being a duvet thief too but in reality he throws it away so it's not my fault!

So what are your plans for the bank holiday weekend? smiley - biggrin Are you fit enough to do anything? We are hoping for some nice weather so we can go out in the kayaks.

It's next weekend I am looking forward too. We are off to Earls Court to see Roger Waters again. It's the only gig we have booked this year as there is not much around that I want to see and I am not looking too hard because any money we don't spend is more towards getting rid of the mortage... we are already nearly half way there!

Any Advice?!

Post 211


Well my legs still worksmiley - biggrin, so on saturday we went bowling, youngest boys birthday on tuesday, and a couple of his mates went with us, alas though i couldnt bowl so i watchedsmiley - sadface

Today, going to footie later, friends lad is playing in a final, then home and thats about it.

Yea, Waters again, that should be goodsmiley - ok

Seriously looking to pay off all your mortgage, blimey, was it a small mortgage you will for sure notice the difference when it is paid off, we paid ours of in 2003 and bloody hell its greatsmiley - smiley

Any Advice?!

Post 212

Muddling Through

Sounds like you have been having a good weekend. I love bowling but haven't been for years, must go again.smiley - biggrin

I have ended up being smiley - bluefish a fishing smiley - fish widow smiley - orangefish yesterday and an allotment widow todaysmiley - sadface! The weather has not been too great. It is 2.15pm and it has only just stopped raining.

I bought this house in the early nineties for £27K and we remortgaged a few years ago to do some work on the place but the mortgage is still a pittance compared to most people. We have decided to put everything on hold to get rid of the debt (then we will have no debts at all as we have no other loans) so no motorbike this year! Oh well, it's worth it! A house over the road sold last month for £125k and they have one less reception room and half the garden we have smiley - wow

Any Advice?!

Post 213


smiley - erm never mind, why dont you go fishing as well...emm or maybe notsmiley - winkeye.

Whats an allotment widow, has he buggered off gardening then.

Its a brill idea to try and clear it, it makes it all your own capital with no pay-offsmiley - ok

Any Advice?!

Post 214

Muddling Through

I have a bit of a 'thing' about smiley - fish, great while they are in the water, ugly, slimy, smelly horrible things out of water! I keep getting asked to go and refusing.

The allotment is a slightly different matter. I have helped given the right weather and motivation!!!!smiley - biggrin

smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wow... Dark Side at Earls Court smiley - wow. Indoor gigs are so much better for the acoustics (and the pig!)smiley - biggrin He did the same set as Hyde Park last year but it was all just so much better. The band have been playing this for a while and it was so much more polished - and Nick Mason was playing againsmiley - wow. He has only played one gig since Hyde Park and we just happened to get tickets for that one. I even managaged to get some good photo's (I could email you a couple if you are interested?)

Anyway, enough about me and the most fantastic gig ever! How are you?

Any Advice?!

Post 215


E-mail me, yes please.

I am fine....right back to the gigsmiley - biggrin

No seriously i am doing goodsmiley - hug

A little baby sparrow flew in through the door today, it took us about 30 mins to catch it, we put it out side (it couldnt fly too well), but then the parents came to it and started to feed it in the back garden, it was really lovely...nature at work.

Looked in the garden about 10 mins ago and there was this cat with the chick in its mouthsmiley - sadface and then it run offsmiley - wah

It has sort of ruined my day now

Any Advice?!

Post 216


Oh, by the way, have you got my e-mail, i cant remember if i gave it to you, as i have had a new one for about 5 months now.

Let me knowsmiley - ok

Any Advice?!

Post 217

Muddling Through

Oh no... the evil smiley - cat! Glad to hear you are faring better than the chick!

Best let me have your current email address. I can bore you with the long gig 'story' I sent my mate too!

Any Advice?!

Post 218


smiley - ok, i will pull up a chair and enjoy

Address:- [email protected]

Send loads of photos, more of you and your life alsosmiley - ok

Any Advice?!

Post 219

Muddling Through

I have been sorting out gig photos today and think I have about 30 to send smiley - yikes. We were on the first balcony at the back but I was cheating and taking pictures of the screens! I will see about sending them off to you tomorrow - I am at work now until 11pm smiley - sadface but off tomorrow smiley - biggrin

I will see if I have any pictures of me smiley - smiley - being the photographer I quite happily avoid being on the other side of the camera (I am not very photogenic smiley - weird). You will have to send me some pictures in return.

Any Advice?!

Post 220


Wow wa wee, that stage with the backshow was amazing, top photossmiley - ok

And wow what a write upsmiley - smiley, you should write for a music paper, it was like reading the NME or even Kerrangsmiley - winkeye

That is an unusal name your hubby has, whats all that about thensmiley - erm

smiley - yikes photos of me, are you suresmiley - winkeye, i am for sure not photogenic, i fact i am not any genic at allsmiley - biggrin

OK you send some of yourself, but you will need to educate me, there are some photos on HP Photosmart of me, wife, kids and that, but i have no idea now to send them or link to an attachment, i will have a look and see if it gives me help

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