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Update to the information above:
Posted Apr 30, 2001
Fortunately, I no longer live at the same residence (in Ottawa). I moved to Prince Edward Island in March, but will probably be moving back to Ontario shortly, as I've had my fill of this part of the country. I plan to live somewhat nomadically for the next little while (no ... I'm not wanted by the authorities), and might end up in Mexico during the fall/winter. I've grown my hair out and dyed it black (in response to a dare). I did sign up for the CF, but not as a mechanic, or a Fire Fighter. I signed up as a Port Inspection Diver. I joined the Reserves, so I can work during the summer (making lots of money, I might add) and take time off during the winter, travel, live on my savings, and return to work the following summer. At least that's how I hope it will work out
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Latest reply: Apr 30, 2001
Artificial Stimulants
Posted Jan 23, 2001
I have always prided myself on the fact that I have never partaken in the consumption of any sort of drugs. This weekend, however, (while visiting a one-legged American friend) my virgin lungs experienced a bit o the ol' wacky tobacky. Me-smoke-um-peace-pipe. I couldn't help feeling a little remorse for having tainted my spotless record, but after reviewing weed's pros and cons, I realised that it's much better than more common methods of obtaining a high, namely alcohol & tobacco. Generally speaking, I think that drugs are dumb and that you should be able to have a good time with out using any artificial stimulants. However, I also think that weed shouldn't be looked down upon any more than tobacco or alcohol which both have serious side affects when taken regularly. Canabis is far more healthy than the latter two stimulants mentioned and produces a better high, in my oppinion. More pros and less cons. Anyone who smokes tobacco and drinks alcohol to "get high", but is against weed is totally f****d up and should seek professional help immediately.
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Latest reply: Jan 23, 2001
Rock Climbing
Posted Jan 19, 2001
I went rock climbing today for the first time since before the holidays. Man!! Am I ever out of shape! I find it amazing how easily you take a step backwards in your progression if you don't remain faithful to your training routine. I used to climb quite often, and train every day on my hang board at home. Now that it's a little colder in my garage, I have been neglecting my board way too much. As soon as I get the chance I will take the board in and put it above my bedroom door so it's right in my face. That way I'll remember to train on it regularly. As well, I will make a concious effort to head out to the climbing gym more often in the next little while. Hopefully, this will reverse the damage that has been done and I will progress far beyond my old boundaries.
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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2001
Where to pick up chicks :)
Posted Jan 18, 2001
This is my philosophy on how to pick up chicks. Actually, not how to pick up chicks, but, rather, where to pick up chicks. One of my friends and I came up with it, but I'm not sure who it was.
Many of today's young men mistakenly think that a good place to pick up the honeys is at a strip club. This is not entirely wrong, but if you were to put some thought into it you would probably realize some of the following points. Horny men go to clubs where women strip; horny women go to clubs where men strip. Hence, if you want to pick up horny women, the best place to go would be a club in which men strip, rather than a club in which the fairer sex is peeling off their garments.
Now, "What if they think you're gay?" is a common response to this theory. What most men forget is that a lot of women dig gay men, or at least, don't mind them. Therefore, if they start talking to you, and in the process find out that you are not gay, you're all set. On the other hand, if you went to a man's strip club, the women there have probably come to the same conclusion that my friends and I have. That means they're there for the same reason you are and could be a lot easier to pick up (if you're into easy).
I would still have to recommend the former tactic to the latter, however, as it is a bold new approach and the fair young maidens are less likely to be on their guard, giving you a chance to swoop in and work your magic them with out them even realizing it.
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Latest reply: Jan 18, 2001
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