This is a Journal entry by An Intrepid Canadian

Where to pick up chicks :)

Post 1

An Intrepid Canadian

This is my philosophy on how to pick up chicks. Actually, not how to pick up chicks, but, rather, where to pick up chicks. One of my friends and I came up with it, but I'm not sure who it was.

Many of today's young men mistakenly think that a good place to pick up the honeys is at a strip club. This is not entirely wrong, but if you were to put some thought into it you would probably realize some of the following points. Horny men go to clubs where women strip; horny women go to clubs where men strip. Hence, if you want to pick up horny women, the best place to go would be a club in which men strip, rather than a club in which the fairer sex is peeling off their garments.

Now, "What if they think you're gay?" is a common response to this theory. What most men forget is that a lot of women dig gay men, or at least, don't mind them. Therefore, if they start talking to you, and in the process find out that you are not gay, you're all set. On the other hand, if you went to a man's strip club, the women there have probably come to the same conclusion that my friends and I have. That means they're there for the same reason you are and could be a lot easier to pick up (if you're into easy).

I would still have to recommend the former tactic to the latter, however, as it is a bold new approach and the fair young maidens are less likely to be on their guard, giving you a chance to swoop in and work your magic them with out them even realizing it.

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Where to pick up chicks :)

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