This is a Journal entry by An Intrepid Canadian
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An Intrepid Canadian Started conversation Apr 30, 2001
Fortunately, I no longer live at the same residence (in Ottawa). I moved to Prince Edward Island in March, but will probably be moving back to Ontario shortly, as I've had my fill of this part of the country. I plan to live somewhat nomadically for the next little while (no ... I'm not wanted by the authorities), and might end up in Mexico during the fall/winter. I've grown my hair out and dyed it black (in response to a dare). I did sign up for the CF, but not as a mechanic, or a Fire Fighter. I signed up as a Port Inspection Diver. I joined the Reserves, so I can work during the summer (making lots of money, I might add) and take time off during the winter, travel, live on my savings, and return to work the following summer. At least that's how I hope it will work out
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