This is a Journal entry by An Intrepid Canadian

Rock Climbing

Post 1

An Intrepid Canadian

I went rock climbing today for the first time since before the holidays. Man!! Am I ever out of shape! I find it amazing how easily you take a step backwards in your progression if you don't remain faithful to your training routine. I used to climb quite often, and train every day on my hang board at home. Now that it's a little colder in my garage, I have been neglecting my board way too much. As soon as I get the chance I will take the board in and put it above my bedroom door so it's right in my face. That way I'll remember to train on it regularly. As well, I will make a concious effort to head out to the climbing gym more often in the next little while. Hopefully, this will reverse the damage that has been done and I will progress far beyond my old boundaries.

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