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hi just lurking the online

Post 41

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ive finished the course of tabs but still niggling, so ive rang and made an appointment for thursday morning, to give the tads time to work if they are doing. then i can cancel if i need to by wednesday morning.
my search im on is going way past what i was expecting.
the man died about 1964, wrote loads of books on sri lanka, in 1950 mbe, in 1954 obe, ive tracked one of the books to the leeds uni this mornig, they wlll copy to email the front, back and any info inside for me.
he also was with the first president of sri lanka from ceylon in 1948, seen pic, and presented to the queen mother 1948 at a garden party in england, and the search continues. but today, rain as stopped play, its peeing down lol
will add you to my friends list,unless you arnt ok with it, and if you want to ad me you are more than welcome
take care jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 42


Hi there.

I think I'm getting a cold now, I just have a bit of a sore throat at the mo but I'm feeling not that great. Let me know how your doc appointment goes if you go back.

It sounds very interesting the research your doing, it must be quite good fun as well, digging out all the history.

It's been pouring with rain here all day today, but it's brightened up now, I'm just about to go for my driving lesson.

Sure I will add you to my friends smiley - ok

take care Cheryl x

hi just lurking the online

Post 43

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi cheryl
i went to the doctors,this morning.
the other doctor gave me the 5 day penicillin course, i didnt need.
its not my throat thats the problem, its my nose, ive got the stuff from the loft blow in the nose, and it didnt get cleared soon enough.
the doc today as given me a new tab, and some liquid menthol vi, to inhale for 15 mins once a day.
the weather asnt been helping.
smiley - dragon jimbob xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 44


Well I hope the new medication helps this time and hopefully things will improve for you.

I feel alot better now, think I just had a cold, I don't think the weather helps when it changing all the time!

Take care x

hi just lurking the online

Post 45

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the only drawback with the new tabs, after i take the third one, im drowsy and eady for bed, so i take the last now half hr before bed.
the suns been out, but its been cold here bbrr, i think i,ll have to move the rad to 19 fom 17 again for now.
ive a new baner on my space, its a ne off, i made from an old one to mark the h2g2 tenth year smiley - dragon jim

hi just lurking the online

Post 46


Hi there

Well at least one thing your tabs will help you sleep lol! Not good through the day though!

It's pouring with rain here, we were supposed to go for a picnic at the lake district on bank hol Monday, but couldn't coz of the rain (typical lol!)

I have the heating on today, I thought we might have had a glimpse of the summer but no not yet lol!

Cool I'll go and have a nosey at your new banner smiley - smiley

take carex

hi just lurking the online

Post 47

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

it was crafted by my fair hands lol.
stuck in yesterday i decided to play around with a code fo another one, and ended up with the one ive done, i need to remove the first logo its sort of gone outside the frame, on my system box its inside.
i was going to do it at the library but had some things to do.
its peeing down again today, tipical english day i suppose, where is the warm summer we are supposed to get
take care jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 48


Good job on the banner.smiley - ok

I think the warm sun we are supposed to have is probably in Spain or somewhere smiley - laugh

The sun is out today but it is very windy! So it feels like winter again, I nearly got blown away in town today lol! But I suppose it is better than rain. It feels like we haven't had a good summer for ages smiley - sadface

take carex

hi just lurking the online

Post 49

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

its been sunny,wind and rain at times all day,on and off.
ive just got rid of my lodger after 8 yrs, he got married, so the music and pc games had gone, and all was peace.
but it didnt last long, a week ago the housing sold all the spare land for housing. and the largest is less than three three houses away.
this is what they are now about to build.
if these dont work they are in the jerno messages on my space lol.
a lot of the h2g2 are off in london till sunday night, its the anual meeting, saturday walkabout, and evening booseup.
i went to hull one last year in july(picutre link on my space).
have a good weekend take care smiley - dragonjim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 50

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

knew it lol

hi just lurking the online

Post 51

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ggrr got the other wrong to lol
forgot the j

hi just lurking the online

Post 52


Hi do you not miss your lodger then if he has been with you that long or are you enjoying the peace and quiet? lol!

They built some new houses right across the street from us last year, after knocking down a load of old terraces, we can't complain that much coz it put our house prices up. Has it always been empty land near you? They do seem to develop any land they can get their hands on. We thought we might get some nice open space across from us when the land for first developed and there was talk of that but instead we got more houses. It would be nice to see more open spaces I think any way.

Hope you are well.

I just got soaked goig into town this morning so just trying to dry off now lol!

take care x

hi just lurking the online

Post 53

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

miss him never, i couldnt wait for him to go, being a hosing property he was on their boks, and as i dont pay rent and c charges, he only had to pay me £25 a week towards the lecy,gas and water.
he was music mad, and if anyone came to see him, they would have it to loud, i had to have is, now wife here a few times a week, above me, get the picture smiley - rofl
i dont know if i said or not, but in 1966, my then girlfriend had a baby, we had split, i was in the army, she had the baby taken off her, i wasnt named as father on the cert.
about a year back, tony(i called him anthony) rang me and said, i think your my father, i found his mother, and i found i arnt, long story, today tony and his wife are here in bradford, at the moment with his mother and hubby, she is in a wheelchair now.
hopefully later i will be getting a call to go and meet them in town.
shirley doesnt know im around, and her hubby thinks im a friend of tonys called john. i dont want anything to do with his mother.
so anytime soon i hope to be away to town, yep its peeing down here as well.
my active email is on my space, if you ever want to email and say hi, im always sat on the sofa and can acsess the emails anytime day or night, the blueyonder one is only for the pc at the cybercafe acsess. take care jim smiley - dragon jim xx
the workmen havent been drilling all day, must be to wet smiley - rofl

hi just lurking the online

Post 54


Hi there again.

That must have been a bit of a shock when you got that phone call and then finding out you weren't his father. Did you manage to meet up with them in town?

Here the weather is a bit better today at least.

Feel free to email me as well, mine is on my space too.

Hope you're having a good weekend smiley - smiley

hi just lurking the online

Post 55

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i went to meet them in town at the centre pub,lord clarke, i havent had a real drink for over 20+ yrs, last night i let the boat out, and had two pints of larger, and did i feel them on the way home.smiley - rofl
was only in the house at 8pm for about half hr, and fell asleep on the sofa, was 11-45pm when i woke and went to bed, this morning i had a blinder of a headache.
ive been out this morning to the cyber, and on the way home, i got drenched, we have just have a downpour, i had to get under a tree till it died down, my coats wringing wet.
ment to give you this the other day, i use it at the cyber, to watch things,i cant afford.
click the word, (channel) on the page, all will become clear.
take care ,smiley - dragonjim xx
ps i got told off for to many lol.s so its >rofl< now.

hi just lurking the online

Post 56


I guess if you haven't had a drink for a while and are not used to it then it would effect you that way lol! Sounds like you had a hangover smiley - laugh I hope you had a nice time though.

The weather here today is a bit better, the sun is out but it's still chilly. It seems like we have had loads of rain this year! I can't wait for better weather. We're going to Newquay in August so hopefully we might get some nice weather then lol!

I will have a look at the link in a mosmiley - smiley

take care xx

Ps have a good weekend, I'm off to see a band play at the weekend in Manchester, and then staying over night with my husbands family so looking forward to it smiley - smiley

hi just lurking the online

Post 57

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i havent been back to manchester since 1967, there abouts, i lived in weaste, just passed salford for a few years.wouldnt reconise it now.
never been one for music, seen a few groups on jobs i had, honeycombs, dave clark five,showadywady,alan price set, and many more, when i worked at the ice rink on the spotlight,
well we have been hit again with the crunch,the bus service to my house and town, will run the last bus at 7pm from the 1st july
have a good time, and let me know hw it went, i had a good hour and half with tony and denise, but my head was yuck the next morning,,smiley - rofl.smiley - dragon jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 58


Yep I would think that lots of parts of Manchester would have changed a lot since 1967! I haven't been to Salford just been through it on the train.

That's a shame about your bus service, I'm sure it is important to alot of ppl to help them get around if you don't drive.

I really enjoyed the Nickleback concert smiley - smiley was brill, had a brill time and fun singing along to the songs lol!

On bank hol Monday I went to Wigan and watched my son and hubby race karts, they go about every month so I went to cheer them on smiley - smiley we had some sun as well, it was a lovely day, I even managed to get sun tan lol!

It's a nice day today as well so I'm gonna enjoy it while I can!

Hope you're doing good, take carex

hi just lurking the online

Post 59

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

by the way i did tell you, in a lancashire lad, i was born in warrigton infirmary,and live it the coal villige golbourne.
till we let altogether, i went to golbourne county junior school,left to come to yorkshire, when i was about 5 years old.
as i said i saw many groups with working at the alhambra, and ice rink on the spotlight.
the best had to be meeting shirley bassey in the old, now rundown, gaumont.
no pennies, end of month payouts, so stuck in all the weekend till this morning.
if you want to see bradford buildings in the town center, i took some and 4 where used for the guide, the rest are on my ps, as my personal pics, one of the flickrs.
its sunny here to, i went to town to sell some bits ive had around gathering dust, but no one wants things now, the crunch as yucked everything. take care smiley - dragon jim.
ps i still have to town pics on my blueyonder email, if you want them, email me. on the blueyonder, its also on my ps.

hi just lurking the online

Post 60

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

sorry k/board yucky again.
should be did i tell you,im a---

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