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hi just lurking the online

Post 21


You should have said, you could have come round and done mine for me smiley - laugh

Ours is all done now, we had to do two coats of paint in the end, and we have just done the living room ceiling today it was looking more or a grey than that white it is supposed to be! The whole house stinks for paint now.

Hope you took plenty of te breaks smiley - tea

Are you planning on showing your visitor around the sites?

hi just lurking the online

Post 22

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i finished the room about 1pm, then put the carpet back down, moved a doublebed in the room,
and setup my spare combi tv/video
i had to run my loft ariel through the ceiling lol
she will be here for three days,fron 7pm tomz till sunday morning in time to get the national express bus to london.
didnt have time for tea, lol.
she as a pc at home, and as seen the site a while back.
the kids use the pc mainly smiley - dragon jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 23


You have been busy!

We just got my son a new bed and had fun putting that up smiley - erm it all seemed to be going well utill we figured out there were 2 different kinds of screws for it and ended up taking what we had put up apart again, and starting over smiley - laugh we got it done it the end though, and also re-arranged his furniture so he has more room to walk around, however he's probably to busy on playing his xbox though to notice he has the extra room smiley - laugh

Hope you're enjoying the weekend with your visitorsmiley - smileyx

hi just lurking the online

Post 24

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the visitor as gone back to london this morning, but could be back in a month or so, and tony her hubby as well, no probs my end, its a spare double
its been a long stressful day,i had to go to see a lady that lost her hubby less than a week ago, i couldnt go to the funeral, im an aethist, and didnt get on with her family.
now im on my own, i will be back on my daily routene, up at 9am, out by 11-20am,and a few hours at the cybercafe lol most days. smiley - dragon jim

hi just lurking the online

Post 25


Hi there

Sorry to hear about your stressful day, hope you're feeling better now.

It's a lovely sunny day here so just been for a walk with my hubby along a new footpath near the Abbey here, might as well get out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts lol!

hi just lurking the online

Post 26

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

it started cold and yuck this morning, then about two hours ago it got better and better.
its so warm here now, i had to get off the bus on the way home, 4 stops back, it was like being trapped in a sauna lol.
its bad enough with older ones like me, but with kids as well coming back from school. phew.
had a few hours at the cyber, writing my next story for smiley - thepost offering, ive one in three parts still to be in an issue, ive called them, jims story page, when the first one is out lol im a sci-fi person, so the first two will be o the theme of space smiley - dragon jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 27


It's been really warm here as well for a few days, but it's more like winter again today lol! It's very foggy and freezing but at least we got sun, even if only for a while lol!

I'll look forward to seeing your story when it's finished. I quilte like SCI FI stuff.

Have a good weekendsmiley - smiley

hi just lurking the online

Post 28

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i was half expecting the first one to be in the post this time, but not as yet.
im not a writer, as in the written word, caps and things get me lost, the actual story comes in the head, and i go with it.
if you have read any ive added to the post, about 5 so far is on the personal life.
so i decided to see what would happen if i did a three part, over three issues, as(jims story page) the first two are sci-fi, but not sure where the others will end up. lol
you wont find the new ones on my space, i have them in another account, with no link to them.
its been cold and frosty, with a lingering fog this morning.
im going to the library in half hour, to do a search of births from 1979 to 1983. for someone.
im hoping i (DONT)find anything, or it will put the cat among the pidgeons, sort of. lol
take care smiley - dragonjimbob(my friends and sunday name) xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 29


Hi there smiley - smiley

Are you doing the research for a family tree or something like that, for someone?

Was it interesting what you found out? lol! <Being nosey!

hi just lurking the online

Post 30

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ive done hundreds of family and war searches at the library in the last 10 yrs at least.
i had two to do one i didnt want a result, and didnt get one, or it could have split a family.
the other was more a person
joseph richardson born in the 1800.s he as been showing up in the bradford trade directory at least 5 times, as being a portrait painter landscape painter, and later on as a teacher of dance.
the person im helping is hoping he did someone famous, but nothing in the library that gives me anything to look for, but ive found he did have a studio in manchester, so might branch that way.
on saturday i was looking in the burials on the library disc for someone that died in 1923 sept, but looks like she was buried, so could be cremation.that means search in parish records on keeps me busy lol smiley - dragon jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 31

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

opps "wasnt" buried lol

hi just lurking the online

Post 32

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i was sent an email this morning to say my stories wont be used in the post, they arnt of the quality needed, and there are a few sci-fi ones already.
never had good schooling, bad grammer, but i can find and write about anything, just not bits like commars, and things,
if you want to read the one i finished in three parts, i can add the a numbers to the next message. smiley - dragon jim

hi just lurking the online

Post 33


Hi that's a shame, you should get someone to maybe go through your stories and add the commas and stuff for you? I wouldn't worry about that too much though, if you enjoy writing that is the main thing smiley - smiley

Yeah, I would like to read the ones you have finished smiley - smiley

I just got back yesterday we have been away to stay with my hubby's family in Manchester, we went down on good friday and stayed for a few days. We don't get to see them that often so it was good.

hi just lurking the online

Post 34

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

this is the one ive done for now
its a kind of docu story of what could happen at first contact.
the post didnt want it unless it was more polished.
the second i still have the main bit to do, its a twist to that one.
for nearly a week ive had cold, then flue, i should have stayed in, but i like my hours at the cyber pc.
when i first left home in 1967, i lived in a small place called weaste, just pasted salford for 3 yrs, and i was born in warrington,and lived in the pit village at the time, lancashire,about a mile from the haydock race course.
take care jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 35

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

just smiley - bookmarking to keep it on your space smiley - dragon jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 36


Thanks for the link smiley - smiley I enjoyed reading it smiley - ok It's really well thought out, I also quite like the idea of aliens not just coming to destroy everything unlike in most sci fi stories lol, well done! smiley - smiley

I hope you're over your flu now, you really should stay in if your not feeling well. But I hope you're better now. It's a lovely sunny day here today so I'm off out to enjoy it while I can smiley - smiley take care x

hi just lurking the online

Post 37

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i think i might have a throat infection or something, so im ringing the docs in the morning to be safe.
this is the one ive just finished, that i was going to discard and delete without finishing.
there is on main boob i cant fix from home the word sistamaticaly i know should be sys now lol.
its very sunny here and very warm, compared to this mornings cold and damp. take care ,smiley - dragon. jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 38


smiley - ok Thanks for that, I really enjoyed reading it smiley - smiley

Did you go see the doctor? hope you're feeling better nowsmiley - cheerup
take care x

hi just lurking the online

Post 39

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

it was for thepost but as the first was rejected i dont want to be let down twice,
ive a throat infection, and docs put me on methlepenicillin. a 5 day course.
at the moment everything is going nuts for me.
the estate is about to be invaded with machines and builders, doing the new flats, and bungalows at the end of the street.
this morning my cooker gave out on the thermatat, so ive had to use £80 of my spare rainy day £100.
smiley - dragon jim xx

hi just lurking the online

Post 40



That's not good, I hope you feel better soon smiley - cheerup

Sorry to hear that things seems to be going wrong all at once for you as well. I hope things pick up for you, it's usually the same, everything going wrong at once!

Take care x

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