Journal Entries
I've won the lottery!!!
Posted Apr 21, 2007
Ok, so it's only £15.40 for three numbers right out of five and no stars in the Euro Millions thing. But it's better than nothing
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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2007
Foolish Habits...
Posted Jan 21, 2007
Patting your jeans pocket to check your keys are there *after* you've slammed the front door shut
I had to go over the garden wall from four houses down to get into my own back yard. Still, it's nice to meet the neighbours. This lot have only just moved in in the last week or so, and I'd not stopped to say hello yet.
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Latest reply: Jan 21, 2007
Foreign Coke Tastes Funny (part 2)
Posted Dec 24, 2006
Canadian Diet Coke (Coke Diète) tastes funny
As far as I can see it has the same ingredients list - water (eau gazéifiée), caramel colour (colorant au caramel), phosphoric & citric acid (acide phosphorique et citrique), aspartame containing a source of phenylalanine (aspartame contient de la phénylalanine), sodium benzoate (benzoate de sodium), caffeine (caféine), acesulfame-potassium (acésulfame-potassium) - but it just don't taste the same.
It's not as sweet as UK coke, and it doesn't have the sharp edge that the UK variety has when you take your first mouthful from a freshly opened and really well chilled can. It's all somehow a bit polite and a bit insipid - much like the country it comes from. Boom-boom
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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2006
No Snow!
Posted Dec 23, 2006
I fly three and half thousand miles to a traditionally wintery country for Christmas, and I arrive and there's no bloody snow!
Lester Pearson airport was a balmy 8 degrees the afternoon I arrived -that's way warmer than the chilly and foggy Heathrow that I'd left 8 hours earlier(*). That place was down around freezing point.
The forecast is for warm overcast days and no snow for Christmas, and maybe just a chance of a little dusting before the new year. Alright so it's nice to be here regardless of the weathere, but I was promised and was expecting weather unlike that which I could be reasonably expected to receive at home, so on that basis I am and remain cross
(*) OK, I recognise that I was lucky to get away from Heathrow what with the foggy conditions these last few days. But I was flying long-haul, and as far as I can tell these flights were the ones that were getting away OK.
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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2006
More crashes
Posted Dec 3, 2006
I mentioned in a previous journal how there'd been yet another crash on my road. Well so far this weekend there have been two more.
On Friday night someone sideswiped a Peugeot, which has left it with body damage the whole length of the car, burst both of the tyres and pulled the front bumper off. A right mess.
This morning I saw that two cars, an Audi and VW Beetle, are sporting thouroughly mangled wing mirrors. Admittedly these last two have a certain amount of contributory negligence, as they've parked their cars at least 6 inches away from the curb. And that is something that you simply do not do in this area. Oh well, I hope they've learnt their lesson - curbed wheels are better than smashed in body panels and destroyed wing mirrors
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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2006
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