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I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 1

GreyDesk - biggrin

And yes, I had to use an on-line translation tool to turn the phrase, "I knew we were right about eff-ing text speak", into that teeth-gratingly annoying subject line that is now cluttering up your conversation list.

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 2

Rik Bailey

Thankfully I can boast to being one of them 22 year olds who refrains from text speech. I write every word out in its full form, and end up getting a reply that takes me three weeks to decipher.


I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 3


My brother's a University lecturer and has had assignments handed in to him in text English. Needless to say, they failed.

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 4

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Ahhhhhhhhhh I hate Txt spk!

Not only is it almost impossible to tell what someone is saying but it is having a really negative impact on the ability of current teenagers ability to write English. Now my English is not perfect by a long shot but when I get to help OJ's teenagers with their homework I really dont know how best to get them writing in something that vaguely resembles English. Mind you their spoken grammar is not that hot either so maybe we should not just blame txt spk.

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 5


Now I tell you what I finf interesting; and that is the reaction to the subject heading.

In general terms I would expect about 10-15 replies to one of my journals within the first 24 hours. Some more so, but few less so. I tend to try to find catchy headers to attract everyone's attention you see smiley - winkeye

Now in this case you've all turned on your PCs and seen something written in gibberish crop up in your conversation list, and have simply ignored it in the assumption that it was posted by some random knuckle-dragger who has posted to some random page that you just happen to have subscribed to.

So I think we've demonstrated the central premise of the article that I posted in the first message. Well done everyone smiley - biggrin

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 6

Mu Beta

"simply ignored it in the assumption that it was posted by some random knuckle-dragger who has posted to some random page that you just happen to have subscribed to."



I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 7

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

It could be that or the fact that for some of us this is the first time we have been here since you posted this :-p

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 8

McKay The Disorganised

From Txt to Latin - we're polyglots on here aren't we ?

(Quad Erat Demonstratum)

smiley - cider

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 9

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - smiley

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 10

Mu Beta

Qd er@ desmiley - monster@m?


I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 11

Mu Beta

Bugger. I meant:

Qd er@ desmiley - monster&m


I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 12


Congratulations B, you saved two key strokes with that smiley - cheers

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 13

Lighthousegirl - back on board

*giggles *

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 14


Excellent... txt+h2g2 spk smiley - laugh

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 15

E G Mel

panta Hellenici estin emoy smiley - winkeye

(Greek - "It's all Greek to me")

Mel smiley - hsif

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 16

Number Six

Io sono un bevatore nascosta di limonata.

smiley - mod

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 17

Lighthousegirl - back on board


I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 18

McKay The Disorganised

Hasta La Vista Baby.

B - its a bit worrying you've started txting in Latin.

smiley - cider

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 19


There's a certain gay club where everyone is given a 'shag tag' a sticker with a number on it, and if you want to contact another guest you can leave a message for that number on the notice board.

One of my friends once got a message in Latin, fortuntaly he was a classics student so understood it.

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 20

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

"Mobile phones 'alter human DNA'"
"A spokesman said the study had not shown the biological changes led to disease."
"The mobile phone industry maintains there is no scientific evidence of harmful effects from electromagnetic radiation."
"Other studies have suggested mobile phone radiation may have some effect on the body"
"It is not possible to draw conclusions from this preliminary data"

I rckn u cn prolly gss wht im gttin at cnt u?

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