This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 21


Yes. The decay of the 'vowel gene' smiley - laugh

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 22

Secretly Not Here Any More

It always gets up my nose how elitist some 'hootooers' on 'h2g2' are. I mean, it's ok for we 'subscribers to the hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy website' to use a few abbreviations in our conversations, usually liberally scattered with emoticons (or 'smileys', wow, save TWO whole keystrokes with that nickname!), but for someone to use 'txt-spk' to save time and money sending a text message is way out.

Damn, I mean what's next? Widespread use of apostrophes as we can't be arsed typing 'can not' or 'what is'?

It's just a widely accepted convention (abbreviations) of the English language being taken to a level where a little more adjustment is required. I mean does it really matter if it allows quicker and more efficient communication?

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 23

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - sadface

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 24


I suppose text speak is alright within its own environment. I can see the justification of using it on a mobile phone where one is limited to the number of characters one can use. I don't like it, but then I'll never have to use it, as I have no mobile phone and no intention of ever purchasing one.

What I don't like is the use of text speak in an environment where its use has no justification. For example in this posting I could ramble on to a limit of (I think) 250,000 characters before it would tell me that I'd written too much. Therefore the use of text speak is not justified in hootoo, and certianly not in threads where other people are using proper English. In my opinion it just indicates that the person is lazy in the way that they communicate.

There is a further complication for my part; and that is that I don't speak text. It takes me an age to work out what is being said, and so I tend to fall back on my position that its use is lazy communication, and hence the message is probably not worth reading anyway, so I ignore it smiley - shrug

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 25

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - sadface = reflection on use of mobile phones - I have to use one a lot with work smiley - sadface

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 26

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I agree text speak is lazy communication. From time to time I spend time with a wide range of teenagers - what worries me is that they are starting to speak using text speak grammar - nightmare! We have a beautiful expressive language and while I am not against it evolving I am against it being so seriously pruned and it's flexibility being lost.

I know my grammar is not perfect before you comment!

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 27


I'd agree with all of that smiley - ok

In an attempt to fight back against poorly worded communication; I am not above replying to people's e-mails at work and asking them to write it in proper English as I can't understand what they're saying.

And as for you using the mobile, Light. Your brain must be mush by now smiley - tongueout

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 28

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Yippee - that implies it was not all mushy to start with! Actually my useage has gone down this year but its still very high smiley - erm

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 29

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm resisting buying a mobile too, and finding it incredibly easy smiley - ok

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 30

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Lucky you smiley - smiley

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 31


When it looked like my office was going to move 15 miles up the road. I did look into buying a phone so that I could summon up the RAC to fix my wobbly car, and to tell the office that I would be late.

The phone salesman looked at me as if I was something he'd just stepped in when I asked for the cheapest nastiest ultra-bargain basement deal available on a phone, and no there was no way that I wanted a 3G phone and all that jazz added onto the package thank you.

Fortunately the move never happened, so I didn't need to fork out that fifty quid smiley - smiley

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 32


I think that this illustrates the situation perfectly -

[Note - that URL is to the 606 message board which is not archived, so grab it while you can smiley - ok]

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 33

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm able to understand that message.

I have three twenty-something offspring, who taught *me* to text-speak.

I do restrict it to the mobile though (saves money).

It *really* annoys me when I see someone posting text-speak on hootoo.

I didn't know what to think when this journal title appeared in my message centre...smiley - silly

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 34

McKay The Disorganised

smiley - erm

Send Three and Four Pence. We are going to a dance.

smiley - cider

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 35

I'm not really here

That's a really interesting link. smiley - smiley And shows up yet another fault on the H2 messageboards. Because I haven't logged out at home I've still got all my host and 'superuser' buttons on the boards still. smiley - smiley

Oh, forgive me for lurking btw.

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 36

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I have no idea at all what that was all about but I like the post about the boffins at Bletchley Park smiley - smiley

* tries to get her hear around the concept of GD with a phone - afterall he hates all phones *

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 37

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Tut tut Mina, you better not tell anyone at the BBC smiley - winkeye

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 38


Oi I'm a 23 year old who doesn't use text speak, but I think I'm 36 at heart.

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 39

I'm not really here

I emailed them and they said it was something to do with cookies. But I think it's just broken! It seems to have stayed fixed now, but they are deleting my work accounts anyway. On the messageboards, not on DNA.

Sorry to divert the conversation, I only use txt spk if I want to send a message on the phone and it's quite long. I don't use it on the internet, but then I use internet acronyms which are just as baffling to people not in the know. So I say AFK, they say WTF? I say BRB, they say oh speak bloody English! Is there a difference?

I knw we wr ryt bout f-ing txt spk

Post 40

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - laugh

I'm not going to pretend I understand that...smiley - tongueout

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