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Washing Up

Post 1


Those that know my living conditions will know that I am notoriously bad at doing the dishes.

Well it has come to a point where even *I* realise that I need to do something. I mean, eating a curry out of a pyrex casserole dish-lid using a carving fork and salad spoon is really not the way to carry on now is it smiley - blush

Washing Up

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - laugh

Shame on you for letting it get that bad GD . I think many of us have been there though smiley - winkeye I know I have smiley - ok Why not dump them in the tub and get in with them - kill two birds with one stone smiley - biggrin

Washing Up

Post 3

Number Six

It's more usually the washing than the washing up that I let slide, myself. On occasion I've had to go to work wearing a nifty underwear combo consisting of swimming trunks and football socks...

smiley - mod

Washing Up

Post 4


I used to do something similar when I lived in a flat without a washing machine. Sometimes instead of going to the launderette I used to call in at the big M&S superstore on the way to my office and buy a new shirt for that day.

Washing Up

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

A new shirt a day? I wish I had that sort of cash, I've been wearing the same "smart" shoes since high school!

Washing Up

Post 6


[Project Update]

Today I managed to do the cutlery, the dinner plates and pasta bowls smiley - ok

Washing Up

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I used to know someone who had a similar problem with doing the laundry. His solution was to throw all his worn clothes into a cardboard box. When it was full (or when he ran out of clothes), he turned it upside down and started taking clothes out of (what had been) the bottom smiley - yuk

Washing Up

Post 8


Cutlery is the worst! I usually manage to get most of my washing up done on a somewhat regular basis but end up with a sink full of cutlery that gets washed when needed. The really stupid thing is that my flat (moved in here a year and a half ago) actually has a little dishwasher in it! And I've never used it.

Must rethink this . . .


Washing Up

Post 9

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I love dishwashing machines!!! YAY!!!!

Washing Up

Post 10


smiley - blush I don't know how mine works! And then I have these really lovely ceramic Portuguese plates that couldn't be put into the dishwasher. And it probably uses up tons of electricity . . .

Perhaps just to wash the cutlery once a week?


Washing Up

Post 11


Cutlery is fine, cutlery is definitely not a problem. My main bugbear is cereal bowls and glassware smiley - grr

Washing Up

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


Washing Up

Post 13


Cereal bowls fall over in the draining rack as you take them out of the water. Glasses always seem to end up with a smear or three however hard you try to dry them off.

Washing Up

Post 14

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

1. Get a new draining rack.

2. Make sure it'll hold glasses upside down so that they can air dry.

Sorted smiley - ok

That'll be £50, payable within 30 days smiley - biggrin

Washing Up

Post 15


Gosho, we're talking anything up to 50 glasses here. I'd need a new kitchen not just a new draining rack to hold all that lot.

Washing Up

Post 16


50 glasses???

How many cereal bowls?

smiley - erm


Washing Up

Post 17


Lets just say that I've acquired rather a lot of crockery, cutlery and pots and pans over the years.

Folk die, or leave the country and I get lumbered with their stuff. Plus there is always Habitat bringing out the next cool gadget, or design of pasta bowl that, well, just *has* to be sampled smiley - blush

Washing Up

Post 18

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

But if you have a decent drying rack then washing them will be less onerous and you'll feel like doing it more often. Problem solved.

That'll be another twenty quid smiley - biggrin

Washing Up

Post 19

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well there is your problem! You have got so much crockery that you don't need to wash up until there is an horrendous pile that is too daunting to tackle, so you put it off...

Immediately pack 3/4 of your crocks into boxes and take them to a friend to look after (will have to be someone with a bit of spare garage or loft space).

This way, you will still get into the same state (nothing in the cupboards and everything in the sink) but more frequently - and it'll be less bother to do. smiley - ok

smiley - puffk - dishwasher owner from the day after I bought my house smiley - biggrin

Washing Up

Post 20

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Alternatively, look at it all, realise there is no *way* a single man can need that much crockery, then keep one set and have fun smashing the rest.

smiley - ale

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