
I have no Idea why or how you have come to be here but you have made your way to my page. My name is Evan. I live in B.C. which is a province in the country of "Canada" for those of you not up to date on Geography or if you are American. Sorry for the prejudicial opinion but I find that the American education system is complete and utter "bulls**t." I do not hate anyone besides those who hate others for no reason either than something that is beyond their control (i.e. race, sex...etc.) I am one of the most nutral people you will find although I do have many opinions that I will stand up for, even argue over. Religion for example I find especially hilarious. But I enjoy researching it very much. I have other interests which include: The occult, vampyres, PUNK MUSIC!, movies (such as tank girl, the nightmare before christmas, the usual suspects) playing guitar, camping and other activities that require various forms of rebellion.

And yes I am a hypocrite

e-mail + ME = [email protected]


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