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Hi Evan! :)

Post 1

Jessi Q

Just came by to say "Hi!", I see your new here this week, so am I.
I think it's good that you don't hate anyone for no reason, I'm a Christian so we could maybe talk about religion sometime, I like the Usual Suspects too.smiley - smiley

Hi Evan! :)

Post 2


Hello, I'm glad that someone stopped by to talk. I have had no response from any ACEs so far this week although I am sure that they have much more important things to do. So... how new are you? I'm have been here for about 5 days. This is one of the best sites I have come across and I can't wait to write my first article. I'm not sure what topic to use though...maybe the history of safety pins. That sounds like a fun one. If you have an idea and would like help I'd be more than glad to.

Hi Evan! :)

Post 3

Jessi Q

I think I've been here since Wednesday...I can't remember.
It's all thesmiley - fish's fault!!!!
The ACE's should be round soon, when I first joined I thought they were leaving me in the deep end, unless you scream and wave your hands I think they let you get settled in.
I want to write an entry but I'm really new to factual writing, I'll have to do a Workshop one day next week.
You never can tell what the entry is going to be like by it's subject, I suppose if you're talented you can write a good entry about anything whereas if you haven't got a clue, what one would assume to be a good entry is in fact not.
The best place to go would be the peer review I suppose.
I'm glad your thinking about what to write...I have no idea about my subject.
Speak to you soonsmiley - smiley Jessi

Hi Evan! :)

Post 4

Jessi Q

I've got an idea...A guide entry about Savage Garden...Have you heard of them?
They're an Australian duo whose songs include - Truly,Madly,Deeply, I want you and more recently Affirmation and Hold me. Since I'm a fan I would have the motivation to actually work hard at it, making sure everything is correct.
If you've heard of them and want to help me or if you are willing to offer any insight into writing articles etc I would be very grateful.
smiley - smileyJessi.

Hi Evan! :)

Post 5


Yes I have heard their music but I prefer their older stuff much, much more. I would be happy to help you on this.

Hi Evan! :)

Post 6

Jessi Q

I heard thm performing songs like "Break Me Shake Me" live on Radio 2 the other night...They were great!
There's already an entry about SG in the guide, we could ask to help the researcher revise the entry at a later date if you feel that more info could be added...Just type Savage Garden into the "search" space and click on the entry entitled "Savage Garden" to see it.
smiley - smileyJessi

Hi Evan! :)

Post 7

Jessi Q

I heard them performing songs like "Break Me Shake Me" live on Radio 2 the other night...They were great!
There's already an entry about SG in the guide, we could ask to help the researcher revise the entry at a later date if you feel that more info could be added...Just type Savage Garden into the "search" space and click on the entry entitled "Savage Garden" to see it.
smiley - smileyJessi

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