A Conversation for Punk Rock

This entry sucks.

Post 1

amlutias (#47987)

References ska too much.
Lack of understanding reguarding punk philosophy and history.
Too much emphasis on the corporate, mainstream punk, ignoring punk's roots as a DIY phenomenon.

This entry sucks...in a way

Post 2


I think punk is fun. NOFX are fun. Reel Big Fish are fun. Lagwagon are fun. etc etc etc

This entry sucks.

Post 3


I agree, although punk is fast intense music, there's more too it than that. Need to referance the "punk rock ethic" of individuality. Also, makes no referance to the roots of punk, "old school punk" from the late 70's and then into the 80's. Skater punk is fun, and right now it's where most of punk is, but there are other branches also that deserve attention, such as hardcore and oi, both more popular on the east coast than trendy fat wreck chords bands. Authur shows ignorance and arrogance.

This entry sucks.

Post 4


Skater Punk...that's it. Funcore stuff...some good s**t. I don't know enough about it to write an article, but I do know what I like to listen to...

smiley - winkeye


Post 5


This post has been removed.

This entry sucks.

Post 6


Yes you are all right. It does not deserve the title of punk rock. "Punk Rock" sugests a history of punk, various forms of punk (hardcore, emo, indie) not just ska, the individuality aspect of it, anarchy, fashion and more. Forgive me but I am new and cannot tell wether an article is in the official guide. Is this one? How can I tell?

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