Punk Rock

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Rancid, Op Ivy, NOFX DK. Whatever my bands name is. Side by side with the 3rd or second wave of Ska punk rock shares many of the same back beats with ska. But there is more yelling in punk, and in order to be a punk singer you must not be able to sing. The people in the band who can sing must be left to the back up vocals. And the leat must have a lisp, and the drummer must be spastically fast. Often filled with rage, or even in some cases political statements, punk rock is music to kill and learn by. On occasion there will be a punk rock song that will make you get up and dance or "skank" and even smile and embrace you friends, but undoubtably the next punk rock song you will hear will transfer the positive energy you are feeling into purely physical energy, and you will either have a seizure, or more likly you will begein to throw your body against whatever is around and in all likleyness you will punch or be punched by that friend that you just embraced. Its a music of extremes.

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