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i'm not an ACE, but....

Post 1


just passing through, saw that an ace hadn't been by yet, so i thought i might render what assistance i could!

welcome to h2g2! we're glad to have you. i see that you're settled in, so why don't you look around, there are bound to be many things of interest.

if you're looking for a subject to write an entry on, you might want to see or which are both entries about subjects that don't have entries yet. you may also be interested in the musician's guild, at

and, if you'd like to explore alternative religions, you may step into either the church of weekendism or the church of the true brownie

enjoy your poke around, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.... i may not know the answers, (actually i probably won't), but i can usually find someone who does.


smiley - doctor b

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i'm not an ACE, but....

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