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Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 561


*giggles* our grass is growing crazy too.. the gardeners come once a week to mow but even the following day it looks long.. we didn't want them to cut it too short because we don't like the way it looks but we may have to in order to keep it in check..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 562

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

In a "normal" season here, ... if anyone can actually define normal, ... cutting it too short is a bad mistake. Because late July and most of August become very hot, burning off the grass. Kind of a six-of-one, half-a-dozen-of-the-other thingie, eh? smiley - laugh

Oh, and in case anyone asks, I am most certainly NOT here. I am very dedicatedly working away ... smiley - whistle

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 563


*giggles* I see you're working hard... smiley - bigeyes or is that hardly working?

I was worried about the grass burning up if it's cut too short..

Well.. I'm off to deadhead the rose tree and some of the wilder looking plants before it gets too hot outside.. later..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 564

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ya know, piccies of flourishing floral stuff are also always quite pleasant.

Oh, and if we happen to coincide on MSN Messenger sometime, please remind me to ask what you know of Rochester, NY. Interest-wise ...

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 565


I can tell you right now I know exactly zilch about Rochester. Never been there...

I'll work on getting some pics of the plantings. smiley - erm First I have to remember what I did with the camera..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 566

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ah, ... I was thinking of your original domain. And wondered if you'd visited, or had know folks moved to 'the big city' from there. Ya see, I'll be there for a couple of weeks in August.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 567


I'm afraid I don't know anyone from there... the closest I get is one of my friends moved out of the City to Stormville.. he said he feels like he's stuck in Green Acres re-runs. smiley - biggrin

When I lived in the City I did some day trips but mostly to Connecticut and the odd trip to Princeton now and then. Not much to upstate.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 568

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Green Acres? Then it WILL be as a big city to me. smiley - laugh

But I suppose with a City as large as yours, there might not be any inclination to look further. I knew a lad once who was quite proud that he had never left the city of St John's (Newfoundland) in his 25 years. And it was tiny !!!

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 569


I think there's good and bad in either way... both the city and the boonies have their high points..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 570

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I grew in a village of about 300 or so people. Surrounded by farm-land, and the next nearest towns or villages all at distances of perhaps 5 to 10 miles. I very much enjoyed that life, the peace, the pace, the personal interactions and knowing of your neighbors.

By necessity, I have found myself living in communities ranging from 16,000 (presently) to as large as perhaps 100,000. And found good in all of them, though my own comfort level is in the middle of that range.

So yup, with every range having it's pro's and con's, it boils down to the old "to each their own", eh?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 571


Pretty much.. I like both ends of the spectrum, vs. somewhere in the middle... I like being in center city and I like a 'cabin in the woods'... not overly fond of the burbs.. smiley - erm which is unfortunately where I live ATM

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 572

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Well, if you ever find yourself hopping to the northern side of the border, I think you'd like our little area. Atleast for a time. Some light-weight industry, but nothing really vile and polluting. Some measures of culture and arts. Occassional measures of hustle and bustle. And the simple, open green country to be found in less than 5 minutes. And a door is always open. smiley - smiley

Have you anything challenging or interesting on the go this week?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 573


Nothing overly exciting... PC is gearing up for a trip to India, among other places. I'm looking at a few of my own things.

Oh and last night I was elected to the Architectural Review Committee of our Home Owners Association. Not that it's a major feat - few people want to help so I imagine barring being on the lam after a major felony I'd have been elected anyway. smiley - winkeye

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 574

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Your friend PC DOES get around, doesn't he? I have no expectations of any world travels, but India is one that holds some interest.

So, do you get a really smiley - cool hat and a shiny badge to go with the title?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 575


Nope. smiley - erm Nothing but a bit of extra work...

I doubt PC will see much while he's there.. in this couple I'm the one with the soul of an adventurer. He's more likely to just work while he's there and let the amazing world outside him just go by.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 576

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I have been to some very nice places, and yet not had the opportunity to partake of them. The work being the reason I was there, ... Still, it would be an experience even if only by osmosis. The surrounds, the foods commonly offered, ... As "Americanized" as many offices and major hotels might become, there will always be some of the locale to be 'felt'.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 577


If I go somewhere on business I try to experience at least a little of it, even if it is just dinner out at a favorite local restaurant one night. Note I said local, as in frequented by locals. smiley - winkeye

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 578

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And that has sometimes been as much as I managed, ... Dinner and an evening of wind-down drinks with the local folks that I was 'working' with. Still, it's not the "take 6 hours, and just look, ... walk, ... absorb a bit" that I would have liked.

BTW, I sent a note to that hotmail line, but from a different mail-box. It may have dropped into a JUNK filter ... "revnick" being the key.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 579


I don't know.. I never check it.. I'll have a look later to see if it is there..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 580

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

No worries, 'twas just a curiosity. I know that you don't deal mails easily. smiley - smiley

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