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Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 621

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Jello, eh? So long as it's one of the nicer varieties, it can't be all bad. smiley - rofl

So what sent you off a normal 'system'? For me, it's often a Friday night of getting into something mechanical or on-line. And catching a 2nd-wind. The next thing I know, it's 3 am, and I'm trying to force myself to sleep. Knowing it'll be nearly a week to get back in rhythm. smiley - groan

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 622


I had been up til 3 or 4 am for about a week now.. just kind of happened..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 623

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

What you need to do then is find a good 24/7 channel of infomercials. And force yourself to stay there. If THAT doesn't put ya to sleep, nothing will. smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 624


At the moment I'm taking the time to catch up on the Daily Show and Colbert Report..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 625

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

There's an idea. The western parts of this continent aren't yet awake, so net-flow is generally much better for any kind of streaming. THAT is one key advantage to my normal wakings of 4'ish every morning.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 626


*nods sagely* I can see where it would be an advantage..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 627

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I get to catch up on a few wired news sources, smiley - lurk to see what's been a-foot here whilst I slept, ... All with a smiley - coffee in hand, a smiley - cat in-lap, and a missus still in bed (hence quiet). THAT is my time of the day, ... the rest of the waking hours always belong to some-one else's needs or demands.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 628

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

But meanwhile, ... back to the Jello thingie. Has your Torture-Maestro ... *ahem* ... 'trainer' introduced you to a new mechanical contrivance, designed by some seriously demented sadist?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 629


No... I just hadn't had proper rest.. something that has been remedied in the past day or so..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 630

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

AH, well then, that's all nice enough to hear. But still not so fun as envisioning some mechanical monstrousity, with pulleys, cables, fiercely slavering jaws and other cool stuff. smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 631


no.. my workout mostly involves plodding along on an elliptical machine for about an hour.. the description you just gave, well that's the actual trainer.. smiley - winkeye

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 632

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Uh-huh, so he IS related to that thingie from the Terminator, eh? I always assumed most of them were. smiley - laugh

Is today feeling generally good and normal for you again? smiley - smiley

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 633


I feel much better today, yes. Thanks. I even spent my hour doing a solid workout.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 634

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

That IS nice to know. smiley - smiley

For now, I've a serious challenge ahead, ... Our first dozen fresh corn on the cob. How-ever to deal with them. smiley - drool

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 635


grilled in the husks til tender then lots of butter! smiley - ok

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 636

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I took the indoor route, ... That heat and humidity again, after a day of work, to use the BBQ, ... Nawwww.

Husked em, into a stock pot of roiling salted water, and a short time later, and loads of butter, ... Seven nekkid cobs on my plate.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 637


indoors I roast them in the oven the same way.. in their husks... native thing.. smiley - winkeye

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 638


You gave me a craving for smiley - corncob!! I'm sure it's nowhere near as good as your fresh from the garden variety but I happened to have a few ears from the farm stand. Silver Queen smiley - corncob slathered in butter here I come! smiley - drool

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 639

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Peaches and cream, grown as far as 15 kilomtres from where I am sitting. The shipping doesn't seem to have harmed them at all.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 640



The corn was old.. they were from last week.. smiley - sadface

I'll have to go tomorrow and pick up some fresh.. in the interim I made fresh pico de gallo with some tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, and cilantro - all grown within 10-20 miles of here. Throw in some salt, cumin and lime juice then grab some chips!

I do have some fresh fruit salad also made from local stuff. Watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches, nectarines. Yummy stuff. That will be dessert later on tonight.

The fresh produce is the only thing I like about summer. I go to the farm stand at least once a week.

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