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Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 641

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

How did you know we just each finished a well chilled bowl of our own fruit salad? smiley - laugh The very answer to these days of heat and humidity.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 642


Yes it is!

When I was going through all that with the cancer it was during summer. The only things I could seem to keep down were tomatoes and watermelon.. so for months that's all I ate..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 643

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

That's the kind of thing that can turn you off to them for a very VERY long time. smiley - erm

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 644


I still like those.. but I hate Jolly Ranchers.. when you get chemo they make you suck sour candy almost 24/7 to keep it from accumulating in your salivary glands. I really liked Jolly Ranchers so that's what I got.. Now they make me smiley - ill just thinking of them..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 645

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It may seem sacriligeous to some, the only thing I have permanently lost tast for is desserts.

When I was growing up, dessert might be something with a Sunday supper, every 4, 5 or 6 weeks. I landed at our "boot camp" and found sweets on offer with breakfast, lunch AND supper. I kinda over-did it, I guess, because now it's a rare wedge of pie that I'll have. The rest is just of no interest.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 646


I'm not much on sweets anyway.. pastry and candy is rarely something I have.. more frequently my 'something sweet' is fresh fruit.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 647

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Yep, ... Any time of the year, if I've a craving for cool and tasty in the evening, a handful of seedless green grapes, or a largeish orange ... Serves in so many ways.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 648


I went to the farm stand today and bought some fresh smiley - corncob for dinner.. plus I bought peaches, nectarines, a watermelon and a cantaloupe.. I feel a fresh fruit salad coming on.. smiley - biggrin

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 649

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

A few strawberries, raspberries and blueberries wouldn't hurt either. smiley - drool

Oddly, though I kinda wore out my taste for peaches when picking them as a kid, I do very much like nectarines.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 650


I have some strawberries and blackberries I froze from the last trip.. the ones that were there this time didn't look as good..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 651

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Now that I think of it, I haven't seen any blackberries around this year. Hmmmm

Mind you, with the weird and excessive hot spells we've had, I'd not be surprised we have a lot of imported fruits. From "them" ... south of the border. smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 652


blackberries grow wild in this area.. a walk in the right part of the woods can give you a nice little cache of fresh fruit to take home..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 653

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

As with my parent's home. There's a small creek runs along 2 sides of their property, and they've grown along the edge for years. Coincidentally, they are my Dad's favourites AND are in their prime around his mid-July birthday. So of course, every one of us wishing to be in his good graces would pick as many as we could find. smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 654

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

How's stuff with you this week, Lady?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 655


Hi! Not a fun week... I have to get my annual cancer tests Friday which means I have to go in today and tomorrow and get shot up with stuff that makes me feel smiley - illsmiley - cdouble and smiley - steam.

How are you?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 656

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I'm good, as Mondays go. ANd I am staying very quiet, very low profile, and on MY side of the border then. smiley - winkeye

I hope that you know that if you wanna let a blast of steam, vitriol or what-ever, ... I've a good and thick hide. smiley - smiley

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 657


Actually that was 'hot flashes'.. there's not a smiley for that. smiley - winkeye

I am ticked off at something going on on-site though. Just calming myself enough to post in a manner that won't be smiley - yikesed

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 658

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh, well you can keep the hot flashes on your side of the border too. My missus has so many, that I get to share them already. Either that, or the 50% of the doctors that believe in andropause know what they are speaking of ...

And if it's the same cr@p on-line that I've seen, ... Another occurrence of the same thing, eh? And at probably the worst possible time.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 659


Yup.. I'm sure it's one and the same.. I've tried to stay neutral but it amazes me how petty people can be. How does that constitute trying to 'make someone see reason'? It's more like kicking them when they're down. I'm really fed up with their behavior and I'm done being neutral.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 660

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

There are some camps that my mere walking-past will cause major flack to fly. So I just try to be on-hand and a supportive to the friends that I know need it. And appreciate it, even if it's never spoken.

And if possible, to provide a bit of a grin on occassion ...

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