Terran Ambassador's Office

Welcome to the administrative offices of the Terran Embassy.

H2G2 Embassy to Earth Emblem; design: President Peregrin

Visit the Embassy's Tourist Bureau

Terran Embassy Credo

The purpose of this facility includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

  • to provide translation, tourist information, representation, help in the user's own language, or to direct the user to such help within the community of H2G2.

  • to host an instructional workshop center affiliated with the Embassy where users can come to receive help in the Guide's official language(s), as well as other languages in which instruction is currently available.


The Terran Ambassador position, while held officially in the H2G2 government by Kumetanzuka, is actually comprised of several researchers with access to the Ambassador's User Number. Therefore, postings to threads made by Terran Ambassador can actually be made by any of the following users:

Archangel Kes


Thanks to ShazzPRME, Editor of the H2G2 Post, for posting an ad for the Embassy in the Post. Thanks also to Peta for permission to use the Editors' links. And to anyone who has been, is, and will be very helpful on the Embassy project, but who hasn't been mentioned specifically here, thanks so much!

Lady K


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Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide)

Researcher U160465


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