This is the Message Centre for Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide)

Ah I see you've disapeared so I'll leave you alone

Post 1


I'm Terran. Confusing isn't it. I found you by searching to see topics refering to my name (not in a big headed way). Anyway as you appear to have disapeared I'll leave you alone.

Terran smiley - earth

Ah I see you've disapeared so I'll leave you alone

Post 2


Disappeared? Maybe just given up fighting against Beeb paranoia... smiley - erm

Ah I see you've disapeared so I'll leave you alone

Post 3


Ah, touchy subject - the Beeb takeover. You see I'm a bit of a newbie in these parts.

Terran smiley - earth

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Ah I see you've disapeared so I'll leave you alone

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