This is the Message Centre for THECASTRATOR

So then...

Post 21


It was too sunny, and too hot, and full of annoying Americans.
At least no-one asked if we were from "Engerland" then asking if we knew a Mr or Mrs whoever. Got a few CDs there. Which was nice.
Anyway, no more America silliness for me.

Argh, no wonder you're still feeling a bit low about the airport thing. Still, the NME thing must have mucho cheered you up.

I'm sure Martyn still likes you. What's not to like?

So then...

Post 22

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

You are FAR TOO sweet smiley - loveblush.

Yay, King Adora are playing the main stage at Gig On The Green! Which means I get to see them again! Yay! That has made me v v happy.

smiley - angel

So then...

Post 23


Extremely sunny, with the exception of when it rained for about a few hours a day on the second week.
Very very hot. Grrrrrr.
Is there any other type of American? Well, at least they didn't ak if we were from "Engerland" or we knew Mr or Mrs Someoneorother.

They recognised her? Bah. But I suppose the e-mail made up for it quite a bit.

I'm sure Martyn likes you. What's not to like?

So then...

Post 24


Argh, sorry about the replying twice thing. I didn't see the conversation go over 20 and go onto the next page and I thought it just wasn't working.

Anyway, as I've said, I'm not sweet, just rediculously honest.

King Adora? Gig On The Green? Cool!
Now all I need to know is when it's actually happening and if tickets are avalable.

So then...

Post 25

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

King Adora are playing Gig On the Green on 26th August, but I don't know if there aren tickets left. I think they're about £35 though. And I don't think i'll get to go smiley - sadface.

I'm going to Lanzarote tomorrow for two weeks so happy birthday for when I'm away smiley - cake (note the dates of the holiday: timed perectly so that I miss the release of Friday Night Explodes smiley - grr. But I've told Gillian my very responsible friend to get it for me instead).

So, talk to you when I get back smiley - ok.

Luv Your Friend the Good Angel smiley - angel

So then...

Post 26


Hmmmm, I could try and get tickets...or I could get all my friends round to my house, stick them in my room, and play Vibrate you to emulate a massive crowd of people at Gig On The Green.

Argh! 2 weeks away! Noooooooooo! (And so on). Thanks for reminding me about Friday Night Explodes, I have to get it.

Talk to you in...2 weeks time.

So then...

Post 27

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

Hello hello, I'm back. And I'm 17! And my results are as follows:


And bloody Gillian didn't get me the KA single and it was a limited edition and I can't get one now and it's the only KA release I don't have and I'm going to cry...

And mum won't let me buy Susie's bass from her because she thinks it's just a phase I've been going through for the past four years and I'm going to cry again...

Sorry, I should cheer up.

So then...

Post 28


I thought you could get both the limited edition and normal version of Friday Night Explodes...Arghhhhhh now I don't have it either!

My results are...shite, really, they are, and at the moment I'm in one of my archtypical depressions.

All my friends are smartarses and get stuff like 5A's.

If you see me in the street, avoid me. I wish I could.

Nice to have you back, how was the holiday?

So then...

Post 29

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

My holiday was quite relaxing actually, but a bit too warm for me (it got go 42 degrees one day: perhaps the question to the ultimate answer of Life, the Universe and Everything is "at what temperature does my brain melt?")

I am now desperately searching for any errant copies of Friday Night Explodes that don't have good homes to go to.

Don't worry about your results: there was a girl in the year above us and she got one C in her highers in 5th year and that was it. She stayed on til 6th year, did some more exams and she's now doing Business Studies and Economics at Glasgow University. smiley - hug anyway.

And I can't avoid you if I don't know what you look like, but I wouldn't want to anyway smiley - smiley.

I think I've just bought a bass guitar. Oh lordy me, it's bye bye long nails then.

I would say chin up, but then the vampires might get you... smiley - vampire

luv smiley - angel

So then...

Post 30


Blegh, it's too hot everywhere. I spent most of the time watching TV, or if I wanted to stay sane, I'd listen to my CDs. King Adora works like a charm(I'll also be looking for Friday Night Explodes).

I may as well tell you my grades, they are, simply, pitiful, but that's life.

Computing - C
English - C
Chemistry - Int2 A

So, in about 20 mins I'll be off to school-io to gange my subjects for 6th year. Ick.
Thanks smiley - hug

I could try find a picture...upload it to the net...send you the URL...but I doubt you'd want my ugly mug all over your monitor. I certainly wouldn't.

Basses are class, I used to play the double bass, but I was crap at it. Didn't stop me from doing Standard grade music with it though. I somehow got a 2, but that's another(confusing) story.
You'll like it, the best part of having an instrument is playing along to music and having the inability to judge how rubbish you really are. It's great.

And what is wrong with vampires?
Sorry, just finished reading Stoker's Dracula...I'll calm down.


So then...

Post 31

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

I have absolutely nothing against vampires except that their love-bites are slightly more penetrating than the human kind and harder to cover up with make-up.

Subject wise: take higher chemistry. Re-take english. Maybe take higher music. The rest is up to you.

This is the girl who still finds Brett Anderson attractive, so I don't think your 'ugly mug' (I don't really believe that) could bother me that much.

And I can't wait til Gig On The Green now. My biggest problem is trying to decide what tights to wear. Black fishnets, burgundy fishnets, the black ones with the roses, the pink and black striped ones... I'm having real problems. My top is pink leopard print with pink lace and lilac roses on it, so anything will match, really.

La lala. I'm going squirrel-baiting now. Ta ta
smiley - angel xxx

So then...

Post 32


Vamps - cool. Yeah.

I'm retaking Chem(It was a higher, but was granted honourary Int2 staus. How...nice), and English(Though, the teacher I was seeing about this said it may not be the best idea due to the overall number of highers). I'm doing higher Biology and higher information systems. Sounds...stressful.
I was never a big fan of music in standard grade, and I can't play an instrument to save my life(Saving, perhaps the drumkit and possibly the air guitar, but my fingering needs lots of work).

Argh! You're going to Gig On The Green, I thought you decided against it. Go with the black fishnets, because...well, just because.


So then...

Post 33

Sick Bob. (Most recent incarnation of the Dark Lord Cyclops. Still lord and master of the Anti Squirrel League and Keeper of c

Hello there.
Just me again.smiley - devil

How are you two doing. So you did buy the bass then. That's really cool. I've got a Jim Deacon Strat replica at the moment that I am entirely failing miserably to play. I condsidered getting a bass as it means that I may have some distant chance of forming a band (unless you two want to help start one? Uh-oh, this will be frightening.) Personally I think I'll stick to air guitar, an instrument I have mastered to a ridiculous level.

I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green. I want to go to Gig on the Green.
Life just isn't fair sometimes.

We should all meet in the QM sometime. I may be a freshers helper next year. However since I have completely failed to meet Angel on at least four occasions (Scottish meet-up/Manics gig in Irvine/The QM numerous times etc.) I'll probably miss you again. I really do want to meet you though (Even though you'll probably run a mile when you see what I look like) smiley - hangover

I would like to state for fact that (although we haven't met in person since I left school about a year ago, from past knowledge) Monsiour Tyers (THECASTRATOR) does not have an "ugly mug." Well he does, but not his face, he just uses it you drink tea out of smiley - coffee In fact, he is a thouroughly decent (if sometimes annoying) bloke. (...pauses waiting for similar complement...please.)
Being quite beautiful smiley - blush and intelligent yourself I'd say that you'd make a really nice couple... If it wasn't for the fact that I'm feebly trying to chat you up myself smiley - yikes

smiley - winkeyeHaha!

The Sickest of Bobs smiley - cool

So then...

Post 34


We should start up a band. 2 air guitarists, a basist, an air drummer, and possibly an air singer.
I'd pay to see(Or indeed, hear) that.
Or I could get(Read as "steal") a double bass, and we could start up a band with 3 basists. Once again, I'd pay to see, or hear that.

Gig on the green...I can imagine it would be fun, but, alas, it seems a bit wasteful to pay up (Quite a lot) of money to see a load of bands where quite a few I don't actually want to see.

"Although we haven't met in person since I left school about a year ago."
We did, I was coming back from school after staying in late. Your dog tried to kill me as it didn't like the music I was listening to. A young boy then walked past, tried to pat your dog and it jumped for his throat. That's why I prefer cats. Anyway, I have no idea why we haven't spoken in person since then. I mean, you practically live beside me.

I'm currently trying to upload a (Passport(Urgh!))pic onto my webspace, so you can all look at my face and commit suicide.
Grrrr, the stupid thing won't work. Give me a few hours, a day max.

"In fact, he is a thouroughly decent (if sometimes annoying) bloke. (...pauses waiting for similar complement...please.)"
Ok, ok. You are annoying too.
And a bloody fantastic fellow, eh eh what what? Toodle pip, etc. etc.

"Being quite beautiful and intelligent yourself"
We're agreed on that point, then.

"I'd say that you'd make a really nice couple... If it wasn't for the fact that I'm feebly trying to chat you up myself."


So then...

Post 35

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

I'm sure that if we actually make a foolproof meet up plan instead of relying on pure chance then we might actually get somewhere, but Freshers Week isn't too far away now anyway.

My bass is a Jim Deacon! Ooooh, spooky... And I can't play for s**t. Gig On The Green is alright for me cos I didn't pay for my ticket, I got my three impoverished older cousins to put their money together and get me it as a birthday present.

I'll tactfully choose not to mention the rest of the post contents until such times as i've worked things out myself.

smiley - angel

So then...

Post 36


A plan? But...that almost seems...organised...smiley - weird

Ah ha! I've finally got the picture to work, at bloody last...this is your final chance to say no, and avoid an optician.

Argh! You were given a ticket! Us hard working(Well...kind of...) people have to raise our own money for this sort of thing.

Yours somethingorother,

So then...

Post 37

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

Oooooh, give us the picture address then!

And trust me, plans that ultimately fail are about as organised as I get.

And they could only afford a ticket for one day (Sunday) although I would have worked to pay for it myself if it had come to that...

smiley - angel

So then...

Post 38


Ok, then. Don't say you weren't warned, and it is a passport photo(Excuses, excuses).
[URL removed by moderator]
Ick, absolutely terrible.

Good to hear you have no organisation skills. It means I don't feel so left out in the world.

Work? cannot be, man.

Yours somethingorother,

So then...

Post 39

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

See those bloody moderators! Aaaargh! And I do work, it's just that I work in an office with my mother and my step-dad, and it's a very very boring job (ie. filing), I'm only still here because they just give me £15 a day and free Internet access...

smiley - angel

So then...

Post 40

Sick Bob. (Most recent incarnation of the Dark Lord Cyclops. Still lord and master of the Anti Squirrel League and Keeper of c


If you want to avoid the moderators you may want to just give guidance on the best way to find the page from a search engine. Opposing that, you could just put the link to your photo on your "my Space" page and tell us to go to that.
Also, if I emailed it to you, could you put up a picture of me too, or at least tell me how to put it on my page (all this time on h2g2 and I still haven't bothered to learn gML)
And to my Good Angel, I was only joking before (not that I've got anything against you but) I also have much mental sorting out to do. I may go join the Priory, it's expensive but you have a good chance of meeting someone famous there.
I get free net access at home but it is using my the same phoneline as our homephone and currently our business line also so I can't stay on for too long at a time. I really should get a job but I'm going to Spain on Sunday and when I return I'll be going straight into an intensive driving course followed by Freshers helper duties. Oh well, I'll have to go back to selling crack and prostitution to get money for albums. What do you think I should buy first:

1)The first Clash album
2)The King Adora album
3)Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Pumpkins)
4)Bleach (Nirvana)
5)Electric Ladyland (Jimi Hendrix)
6)Black Market Music (Placebo)
7)The first Smiths album

I can't decide. Help! (oh, theres an idea, I could do with some more Beatles albums too, aaagh! stop thinking your only giving yourself more, aaagh!)

Swiftly moving on...

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