This is the Message Centre for Jews_in_Space


Post 101

Yael Smith

I remember rest and afternoon naps...smiley - erm

Back to work. Nothing to do. Such is life.


Post 102


I haven't been on at all for a few days. Nothing happening here, other than me and Yogurt rejoicing over the upcoming three-day week. And semirandom internet searches and Youtube. That's pretty much it.


Post 103

Yael Smith

What's this Youtube anyway? I keep hearing about it and have no idea what it is.
3 days week? How come?


Post 104

Jews_in_Space - it's a video site that has just about everything, try a few searches and you'll see what I mean.
There's no school tomorow because of Election Day/teacher in-service thingie, and Friday I guess they're counting as Veteran's Day.

Still all quiet over here, though only in the figurative sense because Yogurt is playing guitar in the other room. At least he's getting better.


Post 105

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh I wonder what he was like initially.
No work (not much, anyway) so I have time to reply to messages.

How are you?


Post 106


But now he plays Led Zepplin smiley - yuk

I'm going to Israel in February!!! smiley - boing


Post 107

Yael Smith

smiley - biggrin That would be interesting for you. How long for?


Post 108


Eight days, from the 19th to the 27th. I can't wait!


Post 109

Yael Smith

Go and join in on the Tu B'Shvat planting. It's great fun, even if you never planted a tree. Some places would give you a certificate for your tree.


Post 110


Sorry about the time...

Tu B'Shvat is a few weeks before when we'll be there, so we'll probably miss that. A few years ago we did sponser (is that the word?) a few trees, but we missed out on the fun part.

Tomorow my school has a pep rally smiley - yikes - wish me luck.


Post 111

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

what is a pepe rally and why not just beat people with big sticks when they want you to be all happy and bouncy


Post 112

Yael Smith

Because she's not you.


Post 113



It actually wasn't as painful as the last one they had. Still pretty bad though.


Post 114


Well, it's finally cold but it's not snowing. If it's going to be this cold it *has* to snow, otherwise what's the point? We need something that'll make the roads good and slippery, preferably at around 7 AM when the buses need to be out. There's nothing but flurries forecast for the next ten days, maybe next week. *sigh*


Post 115

Yael Smith

It's Hannukah soon. 2 weeks, I think. That ought to cheer you up, surely..?
I love it. My favourite holiday, and this year it ends just as Christmas begins, so first there'll be 8 days of candles, spinning tops, doughnuts and potato cakes (in any random order) and then we'll recover with turkey smiley - yuk and cranberry sauce. Maybe a pumpkin pie, too, if I could be a**ed.
How are you?


Post 116


Yes, Chanukah is good. We have about 15 menorahs, and the table where we light them is in front of a mirror - we really get a blaze going, especially in the later nights.

It finally snowed today! Just a flurry in the morning, but it was still nice. It's reeeaaaaally cold now, if we could only get some substantial precipitation we'd be all set.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I've got a lot to do, but at least I can sleep late. How's life over there?


Post 117


I probably won't be able to get on before Shabbos tomorrow, so - Happy Chanukah!!!


Post 118

Yael Smith

Happy Hannukah to you too!smiley - hug
I'll tell you more when I next get a chance...

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