This is the Message Centre for Jews_in_Space


Post 61

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh Well done!
I'm not training to be a nurse. I think that train has left by now. I did my first year, then left, got married and had the kids and now I think I'll stick to being a secretary. 9 years' experience shouldn't just go down the drain, right?


Post 62


Don't blame you. I'd choose the family too.smiley - smiley

I'll be offline for three weeks starting tomorow (back July 26). It'll be the longest time I've been off since becoming active last August! smiley - yikes


Post 63

Yael Smith

Becoming active? Sounds like something out of a nature movie...
I'm patiently awaiting your return.


Post 64


Hello from the local internet cafe! smiley - biggrin What did they do to the front page smiley - dontpanic?


Post 65

Yael Smith

I wouldn't know. Haven't been here for a while. Life's just too demanding. How are you?


Post 66


Just got back from camp (did I say "camp"? I meant "program during which we stayed in luxury condos") last night. It was really, really, REALLY fun. I didn't see too many new birds (Broad-tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds and Western Meadowlark), but still...and I infected some other people with Hitchhikerness. Heehee.


Post 67


It is HOT here! The temperature's been up around 100 degrees (F) for the past few days. I'm really missing the Colorado daily rain that always started as soon as we got off the bus somewhere!


Post 68

Yael Smith

It's hot and humid here too, and this isn't natural.smiley - yuk
How are you? I've been away again, lurking but not posting. Couldn't be bothered. I'm job hunting smiley - groan at the moment so I want as little as possible to do with the computer.


Post 69


I haven't had as much time on here either, I've got blog in multiple hundreds on lots of threads.

I just read Madame Bovary (smiley - yuk) in two days, and I have to read the Book of Job today, as school starts tomorow. My skill at procrastination is unrivalled. As often is my level of sleep deprivation.


Post 70

Yael Smith

Job's so depressing...
And I will not discuss sleep deprivation anymore.


Post 71


Today I began a new year of unpleasantness. *sigh*


Post 72

Yael Smith

Why not wait 'till Rosh Hashana?


Post 73


My school system won't, so I have to start now. It actually hasn't been too bad so far - no essays yetsmiley - smiley.


Post 74

Yael Smith

Very inconsiderate. What are you doing on the holidays?


Post 75


Sorry this has taken so long, I haven't been on much. I'm still not sure what my family's doing for the holidays, we're either staying here or going to my grandparents'. smiley - erm


Post 76

Yael Smith

Which would you prefer? I always liked going to my grandparents, they'd spoil me rotten and wouldn't let me lift a finger. I could sure use that right now.


Post 77


I'd like to go there, but they don't really keep kosher and with my cousins there the TV will probably be on the whole time. Also, their shul is full of dermatologists who talk about their patients during the whole service, plus it's very musty and moldy and my brothers can't breathe in it. Also for some reason they can't get enough of the words "ve'neemar" and "ha'yom": every time they get to a neemar they do a special "song" in which it's repeated 13 times and then pick up where they left off, and in one place they say ha'yom 25 times at the begining of each line. Basically it's very hard to get a connection there.

Right now it's looking like we're staying home after all. Our shul is great - it's got ruach, and you feel welcome there.

smiley - yawn Must go to bed.


Post 78

Yael Smith

Ruach as in wind, or as in spirit? I've never been to a shul. Must be fascinating...smiley - smiley
All I can say is that I love Rosh Hashana, and I'm very jealous of you for being able to celebrate it at all. My husband's family are Catholic, and very secular as well. I'm secular myself, but I do like the holidays. I love all the blessings over everything and the feel of a holiday's eve. I really miss that.
Ah, well, I'll have them eating pommigranites and fish heads in no time!smiley - winkeye


Post 79


Yes, spirit. I can't say it's fascinating, but in a shul like this it's a really unifying experience.
I've never been a fan of the whole fish head thing, but other holiday food is great. smiley - drool

It's a bit early, but anyway:


Post 80

Yael Smith

I'll have to look at the link at home, there's a contents blocker on my pooter at work.
Which holiday foods do you like? I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Latkes, and the only thing I don't like about Passover is the Matzah. Dry, dusty and awful. Oh, and the Haman cakes (ears, in Israel smiley - yuk) are another favourite of mine. Home made, stuffed with poppy seeds and raisins- lovely!

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