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Post 81


Sorry about the time again...I blame Yogurt. Everything is his fault.

I actually like matza (smiley - yikes), I even eat it during the year. I'm weird like that. Also I like Hamantashen and some kinds of latkes. One of my favorites has got to be matza ball soup. Also homemade challa. And the honeycake at my shul right after Yom Kippur is probably the best food on earth.

Jewish holidays in nine words: They tried to kill us, we won, let's eat! smiley - laugh


Post 82

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh Sums it up for me!
Challa out of the Berman bakery in Jerusalem- heaven! Do you like it with sweet glazing? It's awsome...smiley - drool
Hamantashen, right, that's what they're called. What kinds of latkes are there? I only know of sweet and savoury.
Try making Matzobrite - break the matzah and mix it with an egg and mild. Fry little cakes or a big omlette of it. Eat with salt or sugar, and I sometimes add cream cheese. Lovely stuff.


Post 83


Sounds like a good place, I'll try to remember it for when I next go to Israel (this year I hope!). I like pretty much any kind of challah, just as long as it doesn't have raisins smiley - yuk. Sorry - when I said "kinds" of latkes, I meant store kind/different styles of homemade - I prefer some of the homemade kinds.
That matzobrite sounds like just my thing, I'll try it sometime smiley - ok.

*Late update* - I'm definitely staying here for the holiday(s?).

Ikes*, all my tests and quizzes are tomorow, must work...smiley - yawn

*intentional spelling


Post 84

Yael Smith

Berman is a Jerusalemite institution. You can't miss'em.smiley - drool

How was you Rosh HaShana?


Post 85


smiley - ok

My Rosh Hashana went well, though it did start to rain close to the end of our walk. Other than that it was pretty uneventful. How was yours?


Post 86

Yael Smith

Non-existant.smiley - sadface I thought it was this week and completely missed it, but I did get some happy new year e-mails from my family, which was nice.


Post 87


smiley - yikes Oh well, at least you can make Yom Kippur!


Post 88


I've been waiting for tonight all week. I've had a total of about 25 hours of sleep this whole week, culminating with 3.5 hours last night because of an essay/goofing off. smiley - yawn


Post 89

Yael Smith

Crikey! You should definitely make up for it. I hope Yom Kipur went OK for you. I must confess I only fasted once and it wasn't nice.

How are you now?


Post 90


I did. I slept most of Saturday, got almost 12 hours of sleep on Sunday night, and took a nap between trips to shul. Bliss.

The fast went well (ish), and I think my shul set a new world speed record for Post-Yom Kippur Maariv.

I'm fine now, only mildly hungry (that's how I rate my well-being now smiley - laugh), and that's just because I've been glued to the computer almost since I got home. I guess I'll go eat now. smiley - run


Post 91

Yael Smith

I hope that was a good meal.

I slept through most of Saturday, too, though for being sick, rather than fasting.smiley - ill I'm better now, though.

And now it's Sukkot. I think I'll make a small Sukka model with my son, just to get him in the spirit of things. There's no point in building a real one, it's raining here all the time.


Post 92


Yikes, I've been off a long time...

Did you end up doing that model? How'd it come out? For some inexplicable reason, where I live every single year it's nice and warm until a few days before Sukkot, then, with expert timing, it gets reeeaaally cold. This year it was 80 degrees two days before, then it was coolish the next day, and then, the day of Sukkot - cold. Uncanny.

Once again, I'm setting a new record for procrastination: I have a huge 18x24 oil painting due tomorow for my art class...and I started painting this morning. I've been known to start a project at midnight the night before it was due, but this is different. On the plus side, my teacher said that if it's still wet I can bring it in late, so I may have time for a few "adjustments". Still, I've been reduced to used turpentine (sp?) on it instead of actual oil since it supposedly makes it dry faster, despite the fact that it could spontaneously burst into flames if it's deprived of oxygen. smiley - erm


Post 93

Yael Smith

Sheesh! that sounds a bit scary!
No, we didn't do the model in the end. I'm so tired all the time and our weekends are always occupied by doing house stuff that I don't find the time to do anything extra.
When I was growing up, it normally rained on Sukkot, preferably just after you've finished decorating it. It obviously does something to the weather...smiley - erm
smiley - yawn I'm trying to stay awake, so I can finish my work, so I'm having a little hootoo excursion.
How did your painting go?


Post 94


Too bad, maybe next year!

Well, the reason we have Sukkot in the fall is so that it doesn't look like we're just eating outside to enjoy the weather, so that may have something to do with th perfect timing of it all. smiley - erm

The painting turned out well (or so I think, foolish me!), it was supposed to be due today, but it was still wet, so I couldn't bring it in. I did take a picture of it and bring that, but I might as well not have bothered because we only did critiques of two paintings today anyway. I tell you, these critiques are scary - I feel like everyone's done so much beter than me, and all the other people in the room make comments that, while they tend to get on my nerves ("That thing would bother me, but because of this I feel comfortable with the piece"), they make them souns like they know what they're talking about. And they deconstruct *everything*. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, cos at least one other person (I think three, actually) feels the same way. Oh well, we'll see...


Post 95


smiley - boing They're showing the new series of Doctor Who on the SciFi channel! I've seen some on Youtube and I'm already hooked. Maybe the network will also carry the new season when it starts...

smiley - tardis


Post 96

Yael Smith

You wouldn't be a real artist if you didn't feel your didn't measure up to that of your peers. Sod them all with their high words, you keep on painting, you hear?

I don't like Dr. Who. Billie Piper gets on my nerves (she of the large facial features) and I don't buy it for a second. Who's the Dr. in the new series you speak of?

Flying to Israel on Saturday, so I might not get a chance to post again until 1st of November.


Post 97


Thanks, I need moral support on this smiley - smiley.

The Doctor's still David Tennant, when I said "new" I meant "more recent than the ones from the 80s". I like Billie Piper most of the time, I think it's too bad she left.

Ooh - have a good time! Are you seeing family there? I think the migration's at a slightly different time there, but there should still be lots of birds passing through - keep an eye out for goos ones!


Post 98


smiley - grr *good* ones


Post 99

Yael Smith

Didn't see birds, but there's a pretty lightning storm going on this evening. Very flashy!
Went to my dad's first, and tomorrow we're moving on to my mum's. I want to go back home already, though I did have a nice evening with my sister tonight.
smiley - yawn better get some sleep before my daughter wakes up at the bloody crack of dawn!


Post 100


Nice, I love stormy weather!
Hmm, sleep, I remember that smiley - winkeye

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