This is the Message Centre for Jews_in_Space


Post 1


Hello anyone and everyone smiley - biggrin. I've finally decided to start using my journal. However, I have no idea what make this entry about, so just post whatever you want and it can be about that.


Post 2


Oooh, excellent, welcome to journal land! People use their journal space in different ways, some post many different entries on different topics, others list their daliy goings on, others (like me) use it basically as a contact point so all my mates know where to find each other;anybody who is on your "Friends" list is automatically subscribed to your journal space; so it's easy for them to contact you via that.

How about maybe starting by telling us a bit more about yourself; all i really know is you have a beautiful parrot! Don't know where you live, what you do, how old you are; even whether you are male or femalesmiley - biggrin not that any of those are really that important online; but maybe a bit about your daily life, hopes/fears/frustrations/joys; that sort of thing; helps people get to know you better (assuming you want them to of course!)

smiley - cheers, Give Ari & scratch from me!



Post 3


Thanks for the tips! smiley - ok

Anyway, I'm female and I'm in high school. I love art, birdwatching, and horseback riding, though I haven't had much time to do either or the latter two lately. I live in New England, where it manages to be either too hot or too cold only a few months apart (but I still love it). I can't stand chemistry but I like science in general (partly DNA's fault smiley - biggrin), and I hope someday to be an ornithologist.


Post 4


Oh yeah- I also love reading, and my favorite books are The Hitchhiker's Guide "trilogy" smiley - towel


Post 5


Hey, what a coincidence, i was only today reading a book about "How to become an ornithologist"! It's one of many which live in my Private Library, ie the bathroom 'cos i have nowhere else to store the books that i somehow acquire.

So presumably you are doing lots of science subjects at school? When i was a little kid i wanted to be a vet, but sadly my maths is totally hopeless; pretty much numerically dyslexic really! I was Ok with biology, could just about cope with chemistry but physics, forget it!

So i ended up becoming a teacher "if you can't beat 'em; join 'em!" but did get to traavel a lot & at one point ran a School Farm in Africa, great fun!



Post 6


The bathroom is always a good place for books smiley - smiley

I would like to take more science subjects but I still have to take more required courses, so I guess they'll have to wait for now. I'm pretty bad at math too, I'll probably stop taking it as soon as I can.

What did you do at the farm?


Post 7


smiley - erm The problem is, I don't have too much to say, other than to complain about how little sleep I get.


Post 8


I know that feeling!!! If you really do worry about "oh my gawd; what do i say?"smiley - erm stuff; the best advice i ever got was "Forget yourself & simply ask the other person something; if it's a RL situation, find the person in the room who is looking even more twitched up than you & say something complimentary about their appearance "Wow! i have never seen socks withsmiley - skull patterns on before; where did you get them?"

Online; it's much easier, simply "what yu been up to since we chatted last?" & a bit of research into what they like will usually mean the other person gets a chance to chat about themselves.

People like good listeners; and after listening quite a lot, you end up saying stuff yourself & before you know it you will be yakking away & not even Ari will get a word in edgeways!

What is Ari's vocabulary now?



Post 9


I'll get back to you about the farm, there are some funny stories but i'm a bit too tired to do them justice right now!

smiley - cheers



Post 10

Just Plain Yogurt

You're tired-- JiS is in bed and here I am hootooing, trying not to think about the rest of my own homework.smiley - sadface


Post 11


What do you expect-you slept all afternoon.

The only comprehensible human word Ari knows is "hi", but she also makes lots of parrot sounds-"happy" sounds for all occasions, "bring me over there" sounds, "share with me", etc. Plus she likes to yell.

How's Yoda? Have her eyes been doing better?


Post 12


Aww; i like the idea of "happy parrot" sounds!smiley - smiley

Yoda is currently snoring away (again!) so the eyes are closed, but last time i did gunk wiping i think it seemed a bit better. She certainly doesn't seem ill, i reckon it's simply that now the weather is cold her tear glands get clogged up; i am probably just a paranoid mummy!



Post 13

Yael Smith

I got so curious about your title, JiS, I had to inspect your space. didn't bring any insight, though.smiley - erm
Can you tell me why you chose it?


Post 14


Hi Elly smiley - smiley

The reason I chose my title was because I wanted it to be funny but I couldn't think of anything good. I love Mel Brooks' movies and I'm an Orthodox Jew, so my brother (aka Darth Yogurt, also from a Brooks movie) suggested "Jews in Space", which is the name of a song at the end of "The History of the World Part I".


Post 15

Yael Smith

I hate yogurt, even with strawberries!
smiley - biggrin
I see. I'm a secular Jew... I love History Of the World, have it on video. Mel Brooks is great- did you see the Producers?


Post 16


I only saw the last few minutes, which I thought were very funny. smiley - smiley


Post 17


I don't know that much about Judaism. If you are Orthodox, does that mean you do the whole bit about keeping milk & meat separate? As a fairly strict vegetarian, that has always seemed to me a very good sensible idea on hygiene grounds (but i do get "accused" of being fanatical in the kitchen, if meaty stuff touches any of "my" stuff; i go ballistic, there are separate pans, spatulas, knives, chopping boards etc.)



Post 18


Yes, we have separate dishes, pans, sinks, etc. for meat and milk.

I can't be online much now, I need to study for midterms smiley - groan


Post 19

Yael Smith

It's called 'keeping Kosher' and in Israel it's done almost automatically, since dairy and meat are sold seperately anyway within the shops.
You can't get much of 'white meat' either, such as pork, or eat non-Kosher in restaurants.


Post 20


Do you live in Israel? smiley - bigeyes That reminds me-I'm going there in February!!!!!smiley - boingsmiley - wowsmiley - somersault It'll be my first time, I'm really excited.

How strict is the Kashrut there? I only ask because a friend of the family was there recently and he couldn't find too much that he could eat. We're not as strict as his family, though, so we should do fine smiley - winkeye.

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