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Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 601


Yes, well... smiley - blush

I'm happy for you smiley - hug

So, have you decided where you're going for the honeymoon? smiley - smiley

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 602

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It won't be long before newlyweds will
have the option of honeymooning on the
moon itself. There isn't much honey there
smiley - silly, but the view of Earth is undoubtedly
spectacular. smiley - smiley

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 603

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

Are bratty sister's allowed to tattle on where Shea went on their honeymoon? smiley - smooch

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 604

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - wow

Not only permitted, but encouraged!
smiley - smooch

Okay, where'd they go? smiley - biggrin

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 605

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

They went to a bed and breakfast inn in Vermont, but the wedding night is still a mystery. smiley - winkeyesmiley - whistle

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 606


It's not one by Sugurbush, is it?

There's this great one there, Pepper Inn, I think it was called. Beautiful town it was in. Worth the drive for the scenic route...

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 607

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

If Sugarbush is by Killington, than that's it! smiley - smooch

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 608

Shea the Sarcastic

Or not ... smiley - winkeye

It wasn't a bed and breakfast, but a full inn ... and the food was superb!

TJ took me to the Huntington Hilton for the weekend after the wedding ... he kept it a secret because he was afraid of practical jokes. smiley - winkeye

We went to the Cortina Inn in Rutland, Vermont ... between Rutland and Killington. The weather was perfect ... except for the day we went hiking through the woods, and even that turned out beautifully! The woods really turned into a faerieland with the rain! smiley - smiley

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 609

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

It's about time that you came out of the closet (or the hotel) about the wedding night. smiley - winkeye You had everybody going. We thought you might have gone camping, with your knapsack. Nice place Mrs. T. my 10 & 20 year reunion from high school was there.

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 610

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yo yoss.


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 611

Shea the Sarcastic

Yeah, right ... can you picture me camping? smiley - laugh

Let's straighten this place out and get back to the important job of being YP's fans!

smiley - hug YP

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 612

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - hug Yoss

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 613

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

smiley - kiss to YP!!! If you went camping Shea, did you bring your hairdryer? smiley - laugh

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 614


smiley - blush

Sorry I haven't been around as much; thing's have been rather busy of late. Far more than I'm cofortable with during the summer too, but what can you do...

You're all doing well I hope?

*refills everyone's smiley - bubbly* smiley - winkeye

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 615

Shea the Sarcastic

Sis! I forgot about that! smiley - laugh

::: sips smiley - bubbly :::

Hey YP! smiley - hug You should take it easy! 'Tis the summer!

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 616

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

That's what the summer is for, relax and take it easy!!! TITL! (short for "This is the life" smiley - cheers

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 617



*stretches and sips smiley - bubbly*

smiley - smiley

Wish me luck tonight *grabs bowler and runs out*

I'll be back by morning. Wild party. I hope you don't mind my leaving. Love you all. See you soon smiley - run

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 618

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Good for you, Yoss!

Saturday night, and you're out having
a good time. smiley - winkeye Summer nights are a
treasure, really. They make all the
rest of the year worthwhile. smiley - biggrin

Go to it!

Shea, I got enough camping to last the
rest of my life when I was growing up.
My father took the whole family on camping
and mountain-climbing expeditions.

At age 12, I spent a weeik at a 4-H camp.
I* think two of the H's stand for hives
and humiliation. smiley - sadface

But I survived it, and now I don't ever have
to go camping again. Yippee! smiley - tongueout

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 619

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

Both myself and Shea went camping with about 1/2 million other people when the Pope was in Denver about ten years ago, and we weren't happy campers. There were about 75 people crammed into a "pod" that was about 40 feet by 40 feet. It was a scarry sight. What an experience!!!! After that trip I'm surprised people weren't smiley - runing away!!!! smiley - yikes

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 620

Shea the Sarcastic

You forgot to mention the fact that it was about 100° during the day, and it drop to the 30's at night, Sis. smiley - tongueout

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