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Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 561

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - ermsmiley - flusteredsmiley - blush

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 562

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*giggles*smiley - smiley

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 563


*peers through the window looking innocent smiley - angel and wonders just what (or whose smiley - devil...I wonder how long we can keep this up before the editors intervene...) bushes Shea was referring to...

he climbs back through the window and refills everyone's glass*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 564


I don't know...

That bush joke was rather lame... smiley - erm

*takes of orange aviation/vegas glasses, clears the lenses with his shirt, and downs his smiley - bubbly*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 565

Shea the Sarcastic

You've all got naughty minds! Here I am being all smiley - angelic and innocent! smiley - tongueout

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 566


*wonders if either washing his hands or drinking another twelve glasses of smiley - bubbly will clear the stain of the lame joke. He puts his sunglasses back on and tries both*

smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly
smiley - bubbly

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 567


Whoah whoah whoah!

smiley - angelic?




This is your Bachelorette Party!

We've got male strippers, Paul H. stipping, more champagne than I can even comprehend, and occassional random kisses from myself! smiley - bigeyes

And it's all for you, so don't hesitate to use it all to your heart's content smiley - biggrin

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 568


*stumbles outside for a breath of fresh air*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 569

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


*drinks some more smiley - ale*

smiley - drunk

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 570

Shea the Sarcastic

Yes, smiley - angelic ... and of course, you shouldn't forget the part of my name that says "Sarcastic" (even if you should forget the part that says "Parrferris").

And if I'm going to go hogwild, I will!

::: tugs on Paul H's tassels :::

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 571

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


I was afraid YP had landed on President Bush
in his haste to get out the window.

And now I have tassels? smiley - erm
smiley - cross The last time I had tassels, I was going
up to the podium to get my diploma. I was young
and thin and earnest and hopeful about the future.
Then RL kicked in! smiley - bruised

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 572

Shea the Sarcastic

Come on, Paul! Can't you make them twirl in opposite directions? smiley - bigeyes

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 573

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Of course I can do that, Shea!


But why bother?

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 574

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - bigeyes *swoon*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 575

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Oh, great! Now we have to get smelling salts
to get Shea out of her swoon. smiley - erm

smiley - whistle

Let's see, 16 old salts, and they smell.

smiley - biggrin

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 576

Shea the Sarcastic

::: comes out of her swoon :::

smiley - yuk What's that awful smiley - fish smell?

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 577

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Mwahahahahahaha! smiley - monster

I thought surely you would
like some sailors at your bachelorette
party, Shea.

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 578

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - laugh

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 579

Shea the Sarcastic

Ewww! And this one has spinach breath! smiley - yuk

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 580

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

Gross!!! Mine has smiley - fish breath with a slight garlic odor!! smiley - yuksmiley - run

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