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Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 581

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Mine has...

smiley - biggrin

smiley - blush

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 582


*flirts with the Captain's wife*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 583

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

What does the Captain's wife look like? a smiley - witch?

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 584

Shea the Sarcastic

Nah ... a smiley - pumpkin

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 585

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - wow

She might be a relation of mine. smiley - blush

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 586

Shea the Sarcastic

::: sprinkles allspice on Paul's aunt :::

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 587


Christ, two days, eh?

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 588

Shea the Sarcastic

Christ is coming in 2 days? How inconvenient! And just when I was going to get married! smiley - run

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 589


Oh yes, a fine way to end the bachelorette party;

We'll all 'marry' Christ and become nuns!

*and there was much rejoicing*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 590




smiley - erm


*pours himself a smiley - bubbly and takes it for a walk*

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 591

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

I've already taken the vow of poverty. Pass the smiley - bubbly

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 592

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

A lot of us have, S.S.

One of my co-workers says that she
considered becoming a nun, but decided
against it because the convent
wouldn't allow her to wear her jewelry. smiley - winkeye

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 593

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

smiley - yikes

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 594

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Not that she had much jewelry
to wear. it was just the principal
of the thing. smiley - erm

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 595

Shea's sister, TJ's sister in law. I finally changed my details!!!!

At least she didn't become a nun & become a principal of a school. They are a bit on the scarry side. smiley - run

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 596


*realizes that he's grown a month-old beard from not shaving at the fan club since the party started, has bloodshot eyes from the continuous partying and champagne consumption, and looks so pale that he could probably pass as a heroin addict*

smiley - cool

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 597


Okay, sorry, terrible exageration regarding the pale part...

My complexion is actually rather ruddy what with all that champagne.

And, for all the kids out there reading this, don't do drugs. It's bad for you. And illegal. And it's no laughing matter.

So, if you want to be cool, all you really need to do is be yourself....

And a pair of orange aviation/vegas shades never hurts, either smiley - cool

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 598

Shea the Sarcastic

... and a slightly raggedy motorcycle jacket ...

smiley - bubbly

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 599


Indeed smiley - smiley

*reemerges freshly shaven, dressed in a sleek armani suit, and wearing his bowler*


I'd like to propose a toast;

. . .

To Shea,

a brilliant artist, and a fun, caring friend

who is always there with a witty remark and a shoulder to lean on

in times of both hysteric glee to the point of tears and also

when a day's been gratuitously rough,

Congratulations on finding the man of your dreams and true happiness.

I hope you've enjoyed your bachelorette party. It was the best gift I

could think up of and it is needless to say that it wouldn't have been

the same if it weren't for all of your friends who expressed a

keen interest in consuming champagne and dancing with male strippers,

all for you.

We love and think the world of you, and rightly so;

You're a lovely person.

So here's to you, Shea. If there is anyone in this world who truly

deserves happiness in the fullest in finding their soul-mate,

it is without a doubt yourself.

smiley - hug

Shea's Bachelorette Party

Post 600

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - smiley+smiley - wah

Thanks, YP. That was beautiful ... and you really did make me cry. smiley - smiley

Thank you for everything, and your friendship! smiley - hug

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