Journal Entries

trying to get rid of that pesky long link

So here is another journal entry

Made up of short phrases,

separated widely.

To take up lots of space.

So that the !@#$% SETI link will be pushed off the page,

and so that this page can return to a reasonable width.

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Latest reply: Oct 29, 1999

A day in the life of a Guide researcher

Well, so far today I have:
-rearranged the furniture on this page
-added a parlour for scintillating discussion of Wicca
-done a spectactular dragon-death-spiral in Peta's forum
[wow's 'em every time]
-been cheeky enough to request my own custom smiley
...AND also ask for DNA to join the h2g2 SETI group
-had a scorching good time at Sporkulious Eglon's Halloween Party
-gotten my 'Alice' entry approved [well, at least re-edited]

And hoping to make this a nice, long journal entry to help push that @#$% SETI link off the bottom so that this page will return to a more reasonable width.

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Latest reply: Oct 29, 1999

Wiccan Forum

There is now a place for wiccans to meet, talk and exchange ideas on h2g2. The Wiccan Forum is a new page for wiccans and others to talk about the Old Ways.

Merry meet to all!

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Latest reply: Oct 27, 1999


Well all kinds of exciting stuff is happening today. First off, one of my companion pieces to Michigan, USA got into the Guide. The bit about the Toledo version of the Great Toledo War has been approved as a guide entry! Now you can read from a Michigan AND an Ohio point of view, more or less.

AND I discovered that h2g2 has an 'Official' SETI researchers group. The SETI@home program is a program for people to join in and volunteer computer time to help process the date from the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence project. There are several Guide articles on SETI, but a very wise researcher has actually set up a group for h2g2 members to join a group and pool their SETI efforts. The group is called 'h2g2 Researchers' and may be found at the SETI site at

The h2g2 article about the group is at

Hope lots of h2g2 researchers join.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 1999

The wiccan year

A calendar of the wiccan year seems to be developing. In addition to the Samhain article, there is now one on Beltane; Samhain's 'opposite number', commonly called Mayday.

Only this is the original Mayday. No tanks and military parades, just maypoles, flowers and fun in the greenwood. So let's go a-maying!

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 1999

Back to bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran's Personal Space Home

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Researcher U15304

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