This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

only me

Post 341

Malabarista - now with added pony

All depends... Worst case, my sister or I will have to donate a kidney! smiley - yikes

only me

Post 342

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

oh thats serious.. i do hope it doesn't come to that... but i'll bet shes proud of both of you for being there for her.. i can only hope my daughters would do the same for me...

i actually had a kidney function test last week.. routine for diabetics... we certainly do take our health for granted...

well i have to sign off now.. work in the morningsmiley - sadface....but you keep strong mal and i will pray that all will be well with your mother...and bovril king...


only me

Post 343

Malabarista - now with added pony

thankssmiley - smiley

Sleep well!

only me

Post 344

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

a quick hello and goodbye tonight.. i hardly slept last night after watching house of wax...bad dreams all night...

hope your mothers condition is better or at least stable.. must be so worrying for you all...but i believe german hospitals are very good so shes in the best hands...

stay strong...goodnight

only me

Post 345

Malabarista - now with added pony

Thanks - we know nothing certain yet, but she is home a few dayssmiley - erm

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