This is the Message Centre for Ottox

Hedge Ottox

Post 221

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If I'm going to go to the trouble of
making a mistake (not that it's hard),
it might as well be a big one.

Sorry, Ottox. I totally missed that post
until you pointed it out.

Hedge Ottox

Post 222


Hey everybody why is Paul standing right over there with his hands over his eyes?

Hiya Ottoxie!

Well I'm the reverse of your situation - yes TV/no home computer!
I think both consume more time than I should allow them.
They're kind of creativity killers with the amount of hours
that just whiz by when I'm in front of them.
smiley - sadface

I need a will-power transfusion!

Hedge Ottox

Post 223


Me too. smiley - erm

Hedge Ottox

Post 224


Me three!

Hedge Ottox

Post 225


Hello Sir Ottox!

Remember this thread!

How are you and Denmark doing these days?

The weather cold yet? Or does it stay moderate like England light snow and such?

Are you cold yet? Well put on another sweater!

Glad I rediscovered this thread. You probably aren'tsmiley - winkeye

Hedge Ottox

Post 226


I'm not ignoring this thread at all! smiley - tongueout

Hedge Ottox

Post 227

Shea the Sarcastic

Neither am I!

Hedge Ottox

Post 228


smiley - biggrin

Hedge Ottox

Post 229

Shea the Sarcastic

Aren't resurrected threads fun? smiley - winkeye

Hedge Ottox

Post 230


No! smiley - tongueout

Hedge Ottox

Post 231

Shea the Sarcastic

I didn't think so, that's why I asked.

Hedge Ottox

Post 232


That's ok!

Hedge Ottox

Post 233


Are you guys playing some kind of h2g2 follow the leader or tag game.


Oh darn now I'm it!smiley - erm

Hedge Ottox

Post 234

Shea the Sarcastic

If you're using the handy-dandy pop-up conversations tool, and you're in all the same conversations, and you're online at the same time, you kinda end up following each other around!

Hedge Ottox

Post 235


I'm so often online with no one in my loop. Or just have a minute to pop on and off at work, so it was odd to see that happen.


Oh that was just a trick to get me offguard again. Double-drat!!!

Hedge Ottox

Post 236



Hedge Ottox

Post 237


You have to have the game of "tag" in Denmark!

Hedge Ottox

Post 238


Yes, but... smiley - erm

Hedge Ottox

Post 239


Oh you mean you're in my loop. Yes most days you are my entire loop. But your loop is now over 4,242 I hear! Congratulations!!!smiley - smiley

Hedge Ottox

Post 240



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