This is the Message Centre for Ottox

Hedge Ottox

Post 141


I'm sorry. I missed the mention of the funeral in any thread.

Hope you are doing well.smiley - smiley

Hedge Ottox

Post 142


I am, thanks! Very well! smiley - biggrin

Hedge Ottox

Post 143


I know when my Grandmother passed away it affected me very much.

I wrote 2 stories about her and a play. Then named my daughter after her. Katherina.

I'm glad you are doing as well as can be expected.smiley - biggrin

Hedge Ottox

Post 144


smiley - hug He he he.... smiley - winkeye

Hedge Ottox

Post 145


He he

Was there not a Grandmother or a funeral?

Was I just having fun poked at me?

If so let me in on the joke.smiley - huh

Hedge Ottox

Post 146


There is! smiley - sadface

I just thought I should laugh a bit because I hugged you!
I'm surprised how little I think of her. I don't like that I don't. smiley - erm
It's not like last year when my other grandmother died, that was really bad for me...
Well, except for this, I've been in a very good mood the last weeks, and I believe she is happier where she is now, so I'll keep smiling. smiley - smiley

Hedge Ottox

Post 147


I was the same with my Grandmother's.

The other one was not as dear to me. So when she died I was more affected by how my mother was dealing with it than feeling saddened myself.

Also I wouldn't name a daughter after her, because her name was Blondina. Tee hee...

(and no more of that hugging stuff...yeech)smiley - yuk

Hedge Ottox

Post 148


smiley - hug

Hedge Ottox

Post 149


Don't tell me this is going to be one of those mushy threads.

No conversation - just ALL mushy stuff. Yuckysmiley - yuk

Hedge Ottox

Post 150


Awwwww... smiley - erm

smiley - nahnah

Hedge Ottox

Post 151


There that's much better!

smiley - nahnah

You know I've never looked up in my atlas where you are from. (I sort of keep track of people I talk to in there) Plus I'm a map smiley - geek

Talk to you Monday. Good night.

Hedge Ottox

Post 152


The there's two of us! smiley - geek

Hedge Ottox

Post 153

Shea the Sarcastic

Oh look! smiley - geeksmiley - geek

Hedge Ottox

Post 154


So what is the name of the town you live in, so I don't have go through the backlog!

Is that also the town you were raised in?

smiley - smiley

Hedge Ottox

Post 155


Live in Roskilde, grew up in Frederikssund. smiley - winkeye

Hedge Ottox

Post 156


smiley - runoff to the atlas!!!

Hedge Ottox

Post 157


I found Roskilde - your nearly in Sweden.

Couldn't locate Frederikssund, but I spotted Frederikshavn and Fredericia! Was I anywhere near the correct town.

smiley - smiley

Hedge Ottox

Post 158

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

And now for something different...
smiley - hug

Mwahahahaha!!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - vampire

Hedge Ottox

Post 159


smiley - yikes

smiley - biggrin

smiley - hug

Frederikssund is 30 km north of Roskilde. We've had nine kings named Frederik, so that's the reason for those names.

Danish lesson #something for SMoB:
Frederikshavn = Frederik's harbour named after F VI
Fredericia - after F III
Frederikssund = F's sound after F III

There's also
Frederiksberg (from bjerg = hill, mountain) after F IV (In Copenhagen)
Frederiksværk - F's works (a powder mill) after F V (North of Frederikssund)
Frederikshåb (Paamiut) - F's hope after F V (In Greenland!)

and there's
Frederiksborg = F's castle, one of the most famous castles in Denmark, named after F II (In Northzealand)
Frederiksø = F's island after F IV (In the Baltic Sea)
and plenty more...

smiley - geek

Hedge Ottox

Post 160


Sounds like if you were named Frederik you were pretty much guaranteed a Kingship!

It looks like on my map that Sjaelland is an island. Is it very different from the penninsula? I would guess that it's more urban because of the proximity of Copenhagen. Is there more Swedish influences on that west side?

smiley - smiley

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